Murder At Windward Passage Chapter one
Without Prejudice Danny Kegoe had never seen a dead body before, until now. He wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to poke at the white clouded eyes with his stick but thought of his Mothers ire at interfering with a dead body and thought better of it. He had no wicked intention, just a simple morbid curiosity. A longing to see if the eyes oozed milky fluid like they looked they would or even ooze out of their sockets in a sick vision he shuddered at. Danny Kegoe, aged 11, then proceeded to throw up. The vomit hit his thonged feet with a hot liquidity and the smell and the heat made him puke again and sent him running back to the safety of home. Strings of snot and vomit trailing behind him in mucous ribbons. His heart beat in his chest as a thudding tattoo accompanying the music in his ears and he pulled his earplugs out with a wrench, causing him to stumble, onto his knees, skinning them, a pain he didn't feel, as he regained his footing and ran on. The watcher in the m...