Sex Trafficking—The Phillipines
Without Prejudice
My Sis and others at her Soroptomists group work hard to raise money to help stop the sex
trafficking trade of young girls and no doubt some boys in places like The Phillipines. Some
countries are so poor that the money these kids raise by giving up their bodies to strangers
is what keeps their families alive.
I speak of the Phillipines only because of some personal knowledge I have of the place. A
good friend is from there and moved to Oz 15 years ago, she informed me of the sex
trafficking but also my ex husband traveled there many times in the late eighties.
He went with two business associates.Two middle-aged Men, both long past their prime,
overweight, balding, carrying their paunches before them in an honoured way, almost as a
trophy to many beers, juicy steaks, and pork crackling.
What he was to discover over there was a shock to him, he said.
His good friends and business associates introduced him to the night life, the food, the
bars where the good looking " Hostesses" served drinks and compliments.
They also introduced him to their mistresses, the humble homes they had bought them and
their kids. Kids that their wives back home in Oz had no idea existed.
At first my ex was in shock, he told me, but then