Camp Eden
Without Prejudice
So tomorrow I am off to Camp Eden on the Gold Coast for 5 days, courtesy of my lovely brother David, who has been, and thinks I will benefit from the experience, as he did.
I am not the least bit nervous as I am used to being in new situations and think I am an old hand at adaptation. Ha, this we shall see.!
There will be lots to do I am sure and I need to book in for a few things so I don't miss out, Dave has advised.
He stated he was only overcome by the "Pole", which entails climbing a pole up in the air and reaching out to a trapeze whilst being secured to a harness. I hate heights and feel dizzy on a high pile carpet so that should be interesting. I am going to try as hard as I can to conquer my fears and have set some goals for myself as advised by Camp Eden.
I filled out a fairly comprehensive form before admittance and am really looking forward to it. Apparently I will view life and diet and fitness in a whole new way after the Camp Eden experience, so I really can't wait. Will keep you updated after the experience, if I am not a blubbering mess of jelly by then that is,