Bringing Sexy Back

Without Prejudice

Some people may think I am overconfident in what I write. I really don't care.These days as I am older and free of my children at long last. I can just be myself. And age brings a freedom I never believed could happen. And I like myself and I love my life. One girlfriend when I said I love my life, earlier in time, started calling me " Little Miss, I love my life"

She is now also living a lovely life, met the Man of her dreams, ( She is the subject of my story Night Flight To Venus " ) she always calls herself a " Wog". She is A Yugoslav and lives to whinge. She is certainly not a screaming wog these days. We did notice a period of time a few years back when she didn't talk she just screamed. Loudly. These days she sometimes does that's screamy hand flapping thing but then remembers how unhappy she was and stops.

My theory is that if a Woman is not getting any she screams rather than talks. I have another friend who is married and hasn't had sex in twenty years. And she screams when she talks. Even though she has always " been a mistress of her own Domain ) And there are loads of women, sadly, older, who live in sexless marriages and want to leave but lack the courage anymore. It's not the sex if course, it's the touch and affection and the warm glow you get out of being intimate with someone. We are but animals really.

I always find when I am going through my yearly episode of winter depression I don't even think about sex. Sex the last thing on my agenda. Then that first hint of Spring wafts through my window and I am alive. I tingle. I bring my sexy back. I have always been a big proponent of sex. It's fantastic. Your eyes are bright, you sing, laugh, in fact I once had a lover who was soooooo good that after a particular time of raw, earthy, naughty sex I went outside and I swear the stars in the sky were shimmering and dancing.


My first husband when asked to sum me up in one word, said Sexy.

My Irish Fiancé of 10 years was insatiable. That can be a bit of a pain after a while. Once I was recovering from an op and he kept pestering me for sex and I sat up in bed and said,

" I will pay you $200 if you just let me sleep "


 I also slipped up once when I slept with him but was not living with him any more. I called him the wrong name at the worst point to call out someone else's name but he took it with good grace. He then gave me a lot of money to leave the man I was with. Not to get back with him but just to get me away from the man.

To be continued

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