Collectable EBay Australiana

Without Prejudice

The gate Tiny made
The light bulb on the right is at least 50 years old and still works.
Chairs that came from " Mandalay "

Terracotta pots and plants from my ex parent in Laws house

Wee Willy Winky Candle

Gwen's beaded jug cover

Tiny and Gwen

More plants

Gwen's hand hooked rug, just one of them.

The iconic flying Ducks.

The very old webbed foot duck before being restored.

The trike from the farm, "Mandalay " 

One of Tiny's planes.

I have sold many items on EBay. I started on EBay about eleven years ago when desperate to find a Home Pride Fred baking set. Fred was a portly little man with a bowler hat that was a mixing bowl. He stood about 14 inches high and my daughter, Yvette, had one when she was 9. She wanted this nostalgic toy and we searched everywhere and then finally my daughter Deborah said,

" Try EBay "

I must admit I was hesitant to try it but 4am in the morning the next day I was bidding on a Fred in the U.K. The original had cost me $70 in Toy World twenty years before and the price was now $140 plus postage. The day he arrived, beautifully packaged via the U.K. We fell in live with EBay and I have bought and sold ever since.

I have sold furniture, clothing, shoes, makeup, perfume but nothing fills my heart with greater delight than selling " Old Stuff" , ( Yvette calls it that ) we collect it, we hate parting with it, I restore it and sell it. In fact we are considering calling ourselves, Steptoe and Daughters. I want to be Harold, fingerless gloves and all.

We are both Tomboys at heart so have no problem getting dirty and wading into piles of gunk to retrieve a precious item that is unwanted. It's become a passion and it is so satisfying to watch a rusted old piece take on new life with a rust removal, a lot of elbow grease and a lot of screaming if a hapless spider or bug appears from old depths. I have been known to throw a broom over a balcony 15 floors up when said broom had a giant Huntsman on it.

Collecting, restoring, selling is our passion in life. The rest of the time we are busy with eight kids,
hopefully teaching, inspiring, loving and discipling them. Seven are boys and range in age from 25 to 4. Then comes a delightful cheeky little baby girl, aged 1 and if their is justice in the world she will turn out exactly like her " Rebel Yell" Mother.

No, I would not wish that on anyone.

But I love her even though she was a nightmare kid as she has this really sweet side. She didn't want to go to her Grandma's house last year to choose some things that my ex husband's Sisters had kindly offered us. When I did finally drag her there she literally fell in love with everything there was to be had.

Old ropes, flower pots, furniture, sprinklers, I can't begin to tell you how much stuff was there. My ex in laws were originally from a dairy farm in Loch. Victoria. It had been a Soldiers Settlement for Pop Hancock, the girls great Grandfather. My ex Parent In Laws, Tiny and Gwen had moved a lot of the " Old Stuff" to their new house in Cranbourne. They bought the block of land next door as well so Tiny could have a humongous garden with veggies and a tool room where he created and worked on his hobbies.

No one wanted the old planes made from cans suspended from the ceilings of the garage and carport. Yvette insisted we take them. Alena my youngest daughter took away car loads of stuff. And we must have made twenty trips. There was so very much. Alena and Deb and Yvette each had hand crocheted rugs that Gwen was famous for. Not only was she a superb cook, her craft was legendary.

We are so blessed to receive all this lively old stuff.

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