Three Men And A Big Baby---Diary Of A Baby Boomer Sex Addict Continued

Without Prejudice

Before I continue, I should clarify I am a Baby Boomer but not a sex addict. I lied, just to suck readers in. It's amazing how when you add SEX to a title how many more readers are interested. Bless them.

In fact these days most of the time I can't be bothered to even think about sex never mind practicing it. I am now of the age I can just be friends with men, which is a relief. I can recall Shirley McClaine saying that very thing when I was in my thirties and thinking " Was she insane ?

I never thought I would reach that stage, never, ever.

But age comes to all of us. And I am glad I no longer make choices of men in my life based solely on biology, hormones or wafting pheromones. Apparently when we are younger our basal cortex invisibly makes our decisions for us on our choices of the opposite sex. Our brain decides which male matches us best in the great gene pool of life. Tall males attracting short girls and vice versa. Just a big jangling of hot wires that somehow connect and make sense.

For some females, the term, " Gold Digger " really is truth. A certain type of female who is willing to trade sex, her looks and other attributes solely for financial gain. She is wanting the most successful, the richest males to secure her future progeny's future. That they have the best in life as she sees it.

Of course we all know that money isn't everything but it certainly brings choice and freedom from every day money worries. Money is " Very Nice " one rich man said to me once. I figured he knew what he was talking about.

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