Sainsburys, Asda, Marks And Spencers

Without Prejudice

Everyone complains about the prices in the U.K. And about the quality of the food. I hate negativity like that. I am a very keen Anglophile. I love stodgy English food, I was brought up on it. Steak and kidney pie, stew with dumplings, Lancashire hot pot, bangers and mash, toad in the hole, I have a love affair with English food that knows no bounds. Sadly, these days I have to watch what I eat. But that didn't stop me making an absolute pig of myself, whilst there.

Say what you like about prices and quality I found that the food was cheap, nourishing and the variety ! Sainsburys had aisles devoted to snack food, just nibblies, really, but you have never in your life seen such variety. Roulades and things in aspic, mini pork pies, tiny Camembert cheeses with cranberry inside. Hundreds of varieties.

There are two bays of different Jaffa Cakes, not just a line of them. Yoghurts that have come from Europe, cheeses from France, meats from Italy, Tapas from Spain, olives from Greece, the European Union works in wonderful ways.

There are smarties in tubes and selection boxes from Cadbury and Fry and they still sell fruit gums that used to be in rolls and are now in packets and are not that easy to find. I felt like I was eating my childhood as I sampled the different Walnut Whips, Wine Gums, and pear drops and felt almost like I would gorge myself until sick.

That must be an anxiety thing as even though I try to stay calm I am always anxious when I am away from home. There is the fear of flying thing, the homesickness I get within 3 days, missing the kids, the dogs, the muscled up grumpy gnarly cat. I have been known to burst into tears at the sight of Matilda, the kangaroo, or Skippy on the T.V. This time I was determined to fight it.

And enjoy it all.

The shops were incredible. George at Azda one of my fave stops, Debenhams, Next, the legendary Marks and Spencer's, where you know you are going to have to visit the underwear department. The clothes and shoes, boots, woollens, scarves, coats to be drooled over. The realisation of the traveller that we still have to get it all home. Weight our biggest issue.

Even though we have kept our packing to a minimum my Sister and I are stunned at how much clothes and shoes weigh. We want to buy everything but can't and our frustration nags at us. But it's such a long flight home and dragging bags around is tedious. My niece says that if you are not able to run up or down the stairs at Kings Cross with your bags tucked under armpits and chin, (and similar will happen ) then "think on "

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