Autumn In Melbourne. and The Forbidden Affair
Without Prejudice
One of my favourite times of the Year in Melbourne has to be Autumn. The sweaty "heat heat " of the dry, dusty, Summer has just started to pass. Sunny days are ahead still, but the feeling of heat wave after heat wave has gone. We know those days belong to February and March is approaching. Mornings now are cool with a slight feeling of rain that may come, shorts bursts that threaten to be a deluge and never are.
Mornings just that little "sharper " and we feel the difference and look to the skies for signs of rain and wash our cars with a bowl of soapy water as if asking for rain. The cars covered in dust and sticky finger prints on the glass. We scan the interior for Huntsmen spiders who might have sheltered in there causing us to nearly die of shock when they appear from nowhere when we are driving.
We spray bug spray and shut the doors and windows of our cars so they can asphyxiate and not cause us to nearly crash in terror if one crawls across the windscreen and we realise it's on the INSIDE. That has to then lead to squashing it with something close to hand and hearing that wet squelch or jumping out of the car and shrieking and pointing. Depends where you are on the road.
My Sister In Law had one appear, just yesterday, she was stuck in traffic near home in Tassie. She leapt out at the speed of light as if burnt. Luckily the man behind her, scared of spiders himself flicked it (eeeeeuuuuuwwwww) out and she was in her way again. And the rest of the morning she would have spent shuddering if a stray hair fell on her face or something,anything brushed against her skin.
My daughter had a similar experience and was turning right across a busy intersection when a huntsman crawled across the windscreen on the inside as she navigated rush hour traffic. Boys in the back, little boys, aged 5, 3, 2, she slowly reached down with her left hand and grabbed a Bob The Builder gum boot and squished the Spider between glass and rubber boot. And kept driving One handed.
The nights are cooler, no restless sleep, nights when you have lain on the top of the sheets with a fan blowing gently on your face, providing the white noise or coolness your body craves.
Almost a sensual time, languid bright sun softened by muted skies, the earthiness of the fecund soil underneath the rustling leaves.
To be continued....
One of my favourite times of the Year in Melbourne has to be Autumn. The sweaty "heat heat " of the dry, dusty, Summer has just started to pass. Sunny days are ahead still, but the feeling of heat wave after heat wave has gone. We know those days belong to February and March is approaching. Mornings now are cool with a slight feeling of rain that may come, shorts bursts that threaten to be a deluge and never are.
Mornings just that little "sharper " and we feel the difference and look to the skies for signs of rain and wash our cars with a bowl of soapy water as if asking for rain. The cars covered in dust and sticky finger prints on the glass. We scan the interior for Huntsmen spiders who might have sheltered in there causing us to nearly die of shock when they appear from nowhere when we are driving.
We spray bug spray and shut the doors and windows of our cars so they can asphyxiate and not cause us to nearly crash in terror if one crawls across the windscreen and we realise it's on the INSIDE. That has to then lead to squashing it with something close to hand and hearing that wet squelch or jumping out of the car and shrieking and pointing. Depends where you are on the road.
My Sister In Law had one appear, just yesterday, she was stuck in traffic near home in Tassie. She leapt out at the speed of light as if burnt. Luckily the man behind her, scared of spiders himself flicked it (eeeeeuuuuuwwwww) out and she was in her way again. And the rest of the morning she would have spent shuddering if a stray hair fell on her face or something,anything brushed against her skin.
My daughter had a similar experience and was turning right across a busy intersection when a huntsman crawled across the windscreen on the inside as she navigated rush hour traffic. Boys in the back, little boys, aged 5, 3, 2, she slowly reached down with her left hand and grabbed a Bob The Builder gum boot and squished the Spider between glass and rubber boot. And kept driving One handed.
The nights are cooler, no restless sleep, nights when you have lain on the top of the sheets with a fan blowing gently on your face, providing the white noise or coolness your body craves.
Almost a sensual time, languid bright sun softened by muted skies, the earthiness of the fecund soil underneath the rustling leaves.
To be continued....