Aww, The Sweet Sweet Love Of Youth
Without Prejudice
I had no idea that I had this letter and no idea why it just appeared today but it was written by my ex husband when he was about to become my husband. He is very worried about there not being beer at The Reception. He was 23 and I was almost 18. So very sweet, see, kids, I told you we were very much in love when you were all made. He thought the sun shone out of me and me him. We were one of those couples, the popular couples that had loads of friends, young with kids, just like us. The Sargents, the Frosts, The Frouds, the De Roode's , we had parties that rocked to Rod Stewart and Status Quo, the Eagles and our four little girls ran around with the neighbourhood kids.

I will decipher for you,
" Dear Janette, ( I love that we used to write long letters to each other )
Well there's not long to go now. Is there ? One week and six days left. I suppose you're getting itchy feet now, I know I am . ( we were getting married in Sydney on 4th July 1970 )
Pauline got her dress finished to-day (his Sister, Pauline, my old flat mate ). I haven't seen it yet though. I didn't go up to the farm this weekend, just moped around the flat all day.
George ( my brother and our boarder) didn't get out of bed till 2.15 today, I think he may have got a little bit drunk last night. Ian ( a friend, another boarder ) got the sack last Friday and I haven't seen him since. All his gear is still hear (sic ) but I think he must come home during the day. He owes me three weeks rent so the first chance I get I'm telling him to go. I hate his guts now.
George tells me there not going to be beer at the reception. Well there's got to be beer there otherwise it won't be a reception it'll be a Mothers Club Meeting and you can't expect everyone to bring their own, really, can you.
There's definitely got to be beer. Who's heard of a reception without beer.
You better give me a list of what I have to buy, I'm going down to get the a dinner Suit on Saturday meaning I will probably get there about 5.30 ---6 Friday night, I hope.
Do the best man, groomsman, me, have to wear white gloves ? And is it bow tie or just ordinary. You and I will sleep in the boys room and George can have your room with a spare bed in it. The boys room is just right to fit a double bed in it. I baked a cake today and it turned out perfect. I'll use it in my lunch this week.
I'm sorry I couldn't get up for the long weekend. I would have loved to have seen you. But if I had seen you I wouldn't have wanted to leave you. But I am going to have to get some money from somewhere as it is. I'm flat you know.
Well best I stop worrying and time may go quicker. Well I must go to bed now, ( 13 more days on my own. ) so bye for now, love and kisses Bobby. Xxxxxxxxxx
I think that is so sweet, we used to be so sweet to each other and time, kids, money, bills took over. Money was the worst funnily enough. Not the lack of, too much. But it's a nice piece of nostalgia. I moved on, he moved on after 21 years of being together and sticking it out for the kids. He would have given me anything, let me do anything.
We are still loyal to each other's memories, I have stuck up for him a few times in the background and he me.
His new wife had a photo of me on the fridge, when I lost 24 kilos.
Apparently he pointed at it and said,
"You might as well take that down"
"Why " his wife asked.
" Because it's not working, you are still fat "
Ah, memories of a Man with no tact. Ha ha

I had no idea that I had this letter and no idea why it just appeared today but it was written by my ex husband when he was about to become my husband. He is very worried about there not being beer at The Reception. He was 23 and I was almost 18. So very sweet, see, kids, I told you we were very much in love when you were all made. He thought the sun shone out of me and me him. We were one of those couples, the popular couples that had loads of friends, young with kids, just like us. The Sargents, the Frosts, The Frouds, the De Roode's , we had parties that rocked to Rod Stewart and Status Quo, the Eagles and our four little girls ran around with the neighbourhood kids.
I will decipher for you,
" Dear Janette, ( I love that we used to write long letters to each other )
Well there's not long to go now. Is there ? One week and six days left. I suppose you're getting itchy feet now, I know I am . ( we were getting married in Sydney on 4th July 1970 )
Pauline got her dress finished to-day (his Sister, Pauline, my old flat mate ). I haven't seen it yet though. I didn't go up to the farm this weekend, just moped around the flat all day.
George ( my brother and our boarder) didn't get out of bed till 2.15 today, I think he may have got a little bit drunk last night. Ian ( a friend, another boarder ) got the sack last Friday and I haven't seen him since. All his gear is still hear (sic ) but I think he must come home during the day. He owes me three weeks rent so the first chance I get I'm telling him to go. I hate his guts now.
George tells me there not going to be beer at the reception. Well there's got to be beer there otherwise it won't be a reception it'll be a Mothers Club Meeting and you can't expect everyone to bring their own, really, can you.
There's definitely got to be beer. Who's heard of a reception without beer.
You better give me a list of what I have to buy, I'm going down to get the a dinner Suit on Saturday meaning I will probably get there about 5.30 ---6 Friday night, I hope.
Do the best man, groomsman, me, have to wear white gloves ? And is it bow tie or just ordinary. You and I will sleep in the boys room and George can have your room with a spare bed in it. The boys room is just right to fit a double bed in it. I baked a cake today and it turned out perfect. I'll use it in my lunch this week.
I'm sorry I couldn't get up for the long weekend. I would have loved to have seen you. But if I had seen you I wouldn't have wanted to leave you. But I am going to have to get some money from somewhere as it is. I'm flat you know.
Well best I stop worrying and time may go quicker. Well I must go to bed now, ( 13 more days on my own. ) so bye for now, love and kisses Bobby. Xxxxxxxxxx
I think that is so sweet, we used to be so sweet to each other and time, kids, money, bills took over. Money was the worst funnily enough. Not the lack of, too much. But it's a nice piece of nostalgia. I moved on, he moved on after 21 years of being together and sticking it out for the kids. He would have given me anything, let me do anything.
We are still loyal to each other's memories, I have stuck up for him a few times in the background and he me.
His new wife had a photo of me on the fridge, when I lost 24 kilos.
Apparently he pointed at it and said,
"You might as well take that down"
"Why " his wife asked.
" Because it's not working, you are still fat "
Ah, memories of a Man with no tact. Ha ha