Cougars And Cubs And Dr Phil
Without Prejudice
It seems to be a new or maybe not so new phenomena to date a man much younger than yourself. According to Dr Phil his twitter account goes ballistic whenever there is a mention of Cougars. Cougars being the older woman that is independent, intelligent, takes care of herself and fancies a younger man.
The younger men don't seem to be complaining either.
Some of the much more elderly women, ( above eighty ) find it strange as in their era a man was always the older one in a marriage or relationship. But now sixty is the new forty, fifty the new thirty. I know of many women, ordinary women, not celebrities, who are with younger men and have been for a long time.
My daughter after sixteen years of unhappiness with a partner, father of her five boys, she stayed a long time on her own. Her ex had said nastily she would never meet anyone to take her on and five kids. Well she has been with her partner, who was a childhood friend of her eldest Son. They have been together nearly eight years and have 3 kids. Two boys and finally a precious girl.
The ex partner was not happy and berated her from a distance for years. I have a former Sister In Law who is marrying her fella this year and he is in his thirties and she in her fifties. They have been together nearly seven years. I have always attracted younger men. The biggest age gap 25 years. He is sweet, spiritual, intelligent and sexy. He has never had a hard time keeping up with me and we have known each other all of his life.
Women are healthy longer due to better medical interventions. And plastic surgery. The scales of ageing used to be tipped towards men ageing better than women. So it was not unusual for much older rich men eg 70 and 80 year olds to be seen with 20 year old girls. Eg. Hugh Hefner, Geoffrey Edelsten et al. a gap of sixty years.
In the old days a woman's child bearing years were seen as a bonus against an older woman. An older woman dried up at menopause. She was then to dress in black and fade into the background. Hubby might have a mid life crisis and take off with some young thing and she would grieve and take up knitting. Waiting and hoping hubby would see sense and return home.
Old men can get very set in their ways. They like to be couch potatoes, retiring, being more interested in food than sex and I know of older women that haven't had sex in a long time. One I know has put up with it for twenty odd years. And it is sad. She loves her home and hubby but feels too old to make a change. He promised to change when she was about to leave him once, fir someone else. Within three days it was back to the same
An older woman is child free, confident, having been through all the usual ups and downs in life. She wants to be loved up, she wants excitement, she wants new interests that are not a simple rehashing of the past. As long as she is careful to not be used for money there is definitely an advantage to dating younger men. It's fun, it's a compliment. She feels good.
I think age is just a number. My daughter could have just ignored the adoration directed at her by a younger man, and became bitter. But she didn't. She took the chance and ended up winning. He adores her just as much now as he did in the beginning. And Vice Versa. Having had sons young she makes allowances for his youth. And doesn't try to contain him. He would not care one way or the other. He insists she go everywhere with him. He loves to show her off.
Almost twenty years age gap that has lasted 8 years and not forgetting he took on the care of five step sons. Both his parents have died since they first met. Both only in their fifties. When she first met him he hated his parents and siblings. Was troubled and had issues. Not now. He is just a Dad and partner and they will marry one day.
I did try going out with an older man once. He was a bore, finishing my sentences for me, knew more than me and wasn't afraid to show it. Had to take Viagra ( yawn ) to be active sexually. I thought it was never going to happen, liked to pat me like a puppy dog instead of get passionate. He knew my music but not my Muse. The younger ones knew my music too. But they didn't want anything. I always feel an older man has baggage. A younger one doesn't.
An older man could get sick, want a housekeeper, a nurse, a help meet. I want to be me and a younger man doesn't judge. He is just happy to be with me. Cougars and Cubs can definitely work, I have seen it, lived it myself. Why should women have to become bitter old biddies or eternal grannies, there is so much more to life.
It seems to be a new or maybe not so new phenomena to date a man much younger than yourself. According to Dr Phil his twitter account goes ballistic whenever there is a mention of Cougars. Cougars being the older woman that is independent, intelligent, takes care of herself and fancies a younger man.
The younger men don't seem to be complaining either.
Some of the much more elderly women, ( above eighty ) find it strange as in their era a man was always the older one in a marriage or relationship. But now sixty is the new forty, fifty the new thirty. I know of many women, ordinary women, not celebrities, who are with younger men and have been for a long time.
My daughter after sixteen years of unhappiness with a partner, father of her five boys, she stayed a long time on her own. Her ex had said nastily she would never meet anyone to take her on and five kids. Well she has been with her partner, who was a childhood friend of her eldest Son. They have been together nearly eight years and have 3 kids. Two boys and finally a precious girl.
The ex partner was not happy and berated her from a distance for years. I have a former Sister In Law who is marrying her fella this year and he is in his thirties and she in her fifties. They have been together nearly seven years. I have always attracted younger men. The biggest age gap 25 years. He is sweet, spiritual, intelligent and sexy. He has never had a hard time keeping up with me and we have known each other all of his life.
Women are healthy longer due to better medical interventions. And plastic surgery. The scales of ageing used to be tipped towards men ageing better than women. So it was not unusual for much older rich men eg 70 and 80 year olds to be seen with 20 year old girls. Eg. Hugh Hefner, Geoffrey Edelsten et al. a gap of sixty years.
In the old days a woman's child bearing years were seen as a bonus against an older woman. An older woman dried up at menopause. She was then to dress in black and fade into the background. Hubby might have a mid life crisis and take off with some young thing and she would grieve and take up knitting. Waiting and hoping hubby would see sense and return home.
Old men can get very set in their ways. They like to be couch potatoes, retiring, being more interested in food than sex and I know of older women that haven't had sex in a long time. One I know has put up with it for twenty odd years. And it is sad. She loves her home and hubby but feels too old to make a change. He promised to change when she was about to leave him once, fir someone else. Within three days it was back to the same
An older woman is child free, confident, having been through all the usual ups and downs in life. She wants to be loved up, she wants excitement, she wants new interests that are not a simple rehashing of the past. As long as she is careful to not be used for money there is definitely an advantage to dating younger men. It's fun, it's a compliment. She feels good.
I think age is just a number. My daughter could have just ignored the adoration directed at her by a younger man, and became bitter. But she didn't. She took the chance and ended up winning. He adores her just as much now as he did in the beginning. And Vice Versa. Having had sons young she makes allowances for his youth. And doesn't try to contain him. He would not care one way or the other. He insists she go everywhere with him. He loves to show her off.
Almost twenty years age gap that has lasted 8 years and not forgetting he took on the care of five step sons. Both his parents have died since they first met. Both only in their fifties. When she first met him he hated his parents and siblings. Was troubled and had issues. Not now. He is just a Dad and partner and they will marry one day.
I did try going out with an older man once. He was a bore, finishing my sentences for me, knew more than me and wasn't afraid to show it. Had to take Viagra ( yawn ) to be active sexually. I thought it was never going to happen, liked to pat me like a puppy dog instead of get passionate. He knew my music but not my Muse. The younger ones knew my music too. But they didn't want anything. I always feel an older man has baggage. A younger one doesn't.
An older man could get sick, want a housekeeper, a nurse, a help meet. I want to be me and a younger man doesn't judge. He is just happy to be with me. Cougars and Cubs can definitely work, I have seen it, lived it myself. Why should women have to become bitter old biddies or eternal grannies, there is so much more to life.