Lauren Jade Hancock--Her Story

Without Prejudice

My daughter Lauren Jade Hancock, died on the 30th November 1989. She was 12 and the very important half years old. And she lit up our lives.

Lauren was always unusual, always curious, brainy, the baby in a family of 4 girls.
The night she was born, my husband, Bob and I were home entertaining friends, I'd been in labour a few hours but didn't want to stop the fun.

but when i caught myself leaning on the wall in the toilet and panting and staring very concentratedly at the 70's wallpaper,I knew it was time to get to hospital.

The couple we were entertaining were excited at an imminent birth and I was pretty excited too.They offered to stay and take care of the sleeping girls, Debbie 6, Yvette 5 and Alena, 22 months, and wait for Bob to come back. i had been told I was having another girl about a week before. I felt a bit disappointed because of my husband wanting a boy but I really didn't care I just wanted another baby.

It was about 11.30 at night when I finally shuffled slippers on and waddled to the car. I was huge. All my babies were big born and this one looked like being at least a nine pounder. Also my youngest then was only 22 months and my Mother In law, gwen had told me that under 2 years between babies usually predicted a quick labour, so i was hoping against hope that this would be true.

We arrived at the hospital South eastern private within minutes, I was checked in,

all good, quick, easy, enema, shave been here before stuff, and I was put in the labour ward.

Bob left to get back to the visitors, have a shower, and come back later as we had been told that it would be in the early hours of the morning before anything happened.

I was very comfortable lying on the labour table, the midwife had given me some pethidine so i was feeling drowsy, i even was contemplating a snooze before morning, I'd had a busy day and running after 3 kids and an irascible husband was no picnic. It was Saturday, a lovely hot day in March. A beautiful day for a beautiful child to enter the world.

I rolled on to one side gathering the pillow close to my head. and wham just like that I had a contraction, then another and another. I rang the buzzer.

The nurse rushed in
Me: I want to push" No ifs buts or maybe, I wanted to push.
the nurse looked at me flustered,
"But we just checked you you are not dilated enough"
Me: "I want to push", by now said through gritted teeth, I had been here 3 times before at this exact same moment in time and i just knew baby was coming.

The midwife went a got a nurse, checked me and she nearly died of shock. i was about to deliver.

Both women rushed from the room calling out they were ringing the doctor
I said
"ring my husband first he will never make it"
( as it was the guests had to drag him out of the shower, because he refused to believe them and wanted to have a few more beers)

He arrived within minutes, the doctor seconds after him, 3 big pushes and there she was.
It was the first birth bob had been present at and said it was more interesting seeing a calf born.

He was a farm boy and thats just the way he saw it.

So I hadn't named her up front, but as soon as i saw her I just knew she was going to be a Lauren, Jade came later,....

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