She Exists

Without Prejudice

I carry her heart, I carry it in my heart. I don't need photos to remember. And it's mine. For me. She remains, she exists in my heart. For 24 years I have carried her heart in my heart. She will always be there, plump brown childish hand in mine. Warm. Not cold, not dead, warm, dancing, twirling in ballet poses and a river, rainbow of long hair down her back.

She shimmers, she eases my pain, she walks beside me, forever. On Friday we will celebrate her life. A lovely life, twelve years of beauty, song, fun, cheekiness. Her brown face split with a smile, the gap in her front teeth, the scar on her eyebrow. There is not one cell of her being I don't carry in my heart.

I carry her in my heart, I carry her heart in my heart.

In love and honour Miss Flossy,

Your mum xxx

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