Getting Paid For What You Love---And Justin Beiber Retires
Without Prejudice
I am now an official sub contractor for Google. After gaining 150,000 readers, I am now being paid Royalties ( minuscule amount ) by Google for my blogs. I am a lifetime overnight Success , as I have been writing since a child of 6, published first at 10, in The Brisbane Courier Mail, children's section. I received a postal order of 11 shillings and sixpence
Before I continue it was announced via Twitter today that Justin Beiber is retiring,
I polled the teen grand boys and they were like,
"Who Cares ?"
Polled the grand girls as well, answer,
Asked the grand girls what they thought of Miley Cyrus,
"Idiot, skank " was the general consensus.
Glad to hear it.
So getting paid for what you love is easy. Everyone has something that they love/live to do and when you are in that zone, time just passes. You look up at the clock and hours have gone by.mine is writing, fashion, music, kids, fun times, helping others, cleaning and decorating a home. I write about all those things.
I had a girlfriend say to me once, that only celebrity, famous people get published. Who was I , just a Mum really, who would be interested in reading stuff about my life ???
Luckily I didn't listen to her negativity and just kept on writing about the things I love. After the end of this month I will have a deposit into my bank account of money. My first royalty. Can't wait. All that sitting at the IPad writing and writing. Blocking out everything else, gaining a sore wrist, writers block, but just plodding on, going forward. The words coming from nowhere it would seem.
I am now an official sub contractor for Google. After gaining 150,000 readers, I am now being paid Royalties ( minuscule amount ) by Google for my blogs. I am a lifetime overnight Success , as I have been writing since a child of 6, published first at 10, in The Brisbane Courier Mail, children's section. I received a postal order of 11 shillings and sixpence
Before I continue it was announced via Twitter today that Justin Beiber is retiring,
I polled the teen grand boys and they were like,
"Who Cares ?"
Polled the grand girls as well, answer,
Asked the grand girls what they thought of Miley Cyrus,
"Idiot, skank " was the general consensus.
Glad to hear it.
So getting paid for what you love is easy. Everyone has something that they love/live to do and when you are in that zone, time just passes. You look up at the clock and hours have gone by.mine is writing, fashion, music, kids, fun times, helping others, cleaning and decorating a home. I write about all those things.
I had a girlfriend say to me once, that only celebrity, famous people get published. Who was I , just a Mum really, who would be interested in reading stuff about my life ???
Luckily I didn't listen to her negativity and just kept on writing about the things I love. After the end of this month I will have a deposit into my bank account of money. My first royalty. Can't wait. All that sitting at the IPad writing and writing. Blocking out everything else, gaining a sore wrist, writers block, but just plodding on, going forward. The words coming from nowhere it would seem.