Shilo Rae is here !
Without Prejudice
Three weeks early, 4lb 6oz or 2.1kg, a tiny baby girl joins our family. Baby Sister to 7 boys aged 24 to 3. We are so very blessed. Xxx
Shilo with Big Brother, Kyan x
Shilo with Aunty Alena x
And on this very special day, I click over 150,000 readers on my blogs and begin to get paid by Google, ha ha, a two year hard slog and a tiny royalty but it's all been worth if x
Three weeks early, 4lb 6oz or 2.1kg, a tiny baby girl joins our family. Baby Sister to 7 boys aged 24 to 3. We are so very blessed. Xxx
Mum, Yvette and baby number eight, a tiny girl, Shilo Rae . Perfect x
Shilo Rae with Big Brother Kyle x
Shilo with Aunty Alena x
And on this very special day, I click over 150,000 readers on my blogs and begin to get paid by Google, ha ha, a two year hard slog and a tiny royalty but it's all been worth if x