Being Stalked, Oasis Active and Bobby Seeger

Without Pejudice

In this age of electronic wizardry, where every answer is discoverable and the teen boys think all life's big questions lie in their laptops, I long to go back to a basic life. I hate mobiles and I now hate the dating site. Oasis Active. It's full of stalkers, scammers and people that need to put their manners in.

I began with such hope. In a time pressured world it seems an easy and convenient way to meet people for friendship, dating, companionship. But once again it's all the wrong way around. There is no chemistry at work, and that is normally the reason you begin to like someone.

I found if I received a contact and replied too slowly the person thought I was then on line to someone else and they became mistrusting and stalkerish. I type with one finger in my IPad and yet some of the people could answer their own question before I could.

Profiles are way too revealing. Me thinks he does protest too much. Some ask for no liars, for no gold diggers, honesty, loyalty. That to me says they are hurt, have been hurt and expect to be hurt again. So by their very naming of what it is they don't want, they reveal what they really do want instead.

Young men contacted me wanting older they said and then proceeded to ask how I felt by being asked out by a younger man. Uh, duh ! Was I supposed to be grateful I wondered ?  And what on earth a 20 or 21 year  boy would want with me was beyond comprehension. So I blocked all of those ones. Several wanted to get my phone number straight away and then if successful wanted to  see me that night.

Wonder what they could have been after ? Lol. ........Didn't happen and wasn't going to.

And I found hundreds of oversea scammers that I reported. Why would I want someone from the U.S or Germany? Their profiles are all the same, short on content and large on innuendo. I hope a lot were removed but for every one that is I am sure ten more are behind them.

Interstate contacts are just feeble minded, obviously. Wanting phone sex, my daughter tells me. Now I think the one that called himself looking for anon wank was probably the most honest in the end. At least he had the good taste to not put 69 in his title as soooooo many others do. Gosh that's enough to make any woman rush in blind lust towards these wonderful creatures.

There are lots and lots of bad photos, terrible some of them. I cannot figure that one out unless they are just lazy and take the shot with one hand on the camera and the other down their pants. And If and when they do make contact the majority of them ask if you like to be kissed and cuddled.

So I close my account down before it all gets too much.

As Bob Seeger says Turn The Page.


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