Don't Touch Lola S.H.I.E.L.D.
Without Prejudice
We have a new addition to the Family of seven boys, that is apart from the baby girl due January, who will be the amongst the most spoiled little girls in the world. Zachary, the second oldest works full time and like all 18 year old boys wanted the biggest flashiest hotter up car in the world. I have no idea how this happened but we talked him out of it, his Mother and I.
We remonstrated, advised, and after what seems like years, he bought a Skyline cash. Thank you Lord ! No hefty loan and be caught up in payments if heaven forbid he lost his job. We already have a hot car here, the oldest boys car, who wheeler dealed his way up to a Commodore something. Of course Mum has to pay the reg. and she will.
But Lola, ( As in "Don't touch Lola," from the Movie, S.H.I.E.L.D.) as we have dubbed the Skyline, is just the best car. She's all straight panels, looks like she's made of metal, bonus, doesn't look like she will attract the Police, is a boring beige colour, but she shines. I took a photo and put it on Facebook with the other four cars, the Tarago van, the Commodore, the Tucson 4 wheel drive and my retro Toyota Corolla.
My brother spoke to me over Skype from near Darwin,
" I love Lola " he said.
I had to agree, we all love Lola. She's a little gem, with her leather seats and her air conditioning
And good radio and ultra clean interior. Zach had the Tarago given to him by his Mum for his 18th birthday. She and her partner, Peter, drive the four wheel drive, a gift from his Mum who tragically died this year. Leaving him an orphan, losing both his parents in the last 3 years and they were both only in their fifties.
We have more cars than we have places to park them. We are at that age of the boys being car mad, five car mad, drooling over GTA v , eating a lot, lots of coming and going and working in cars and hanging with their mates. Lots of testosterone happening. We were drowning in it last year, Yvette, my second oldest daughter and I. But now we have started to redress the balance.
Two girl dogs now, one female grandchild to come in January, one female child to come at the same time, and us two, and two daughter in laws. Seven each, seven males and seven females. Nice balance and about time. Yvette is at the stage where she wants the boys stuff out and girly stuff in and I'm guessing she will win.
We have a new addition to the Family of seven boys, that is apart from the baby girl due January, who will be the amongst the most spoiled little girls in the world. Zachary, the second oldest works full time and like all 18 year old boys wanted the biggest flashiest hotter up car in the world. I have no idea how this happened but we talked him out of it, his Mother and I.
We remonstrated, advised, and after what seems like years, he bought a Skyline cash. Thank you Lord ! No hefty loan and be caught up in payments if heaven forbid he lost his job. We already have a hot car here, the oldest boys car, who wheeler dealed his way up to a Commodore something. Of course Mum has to pay the reg. and she will.
But Lola, ( As in "Don't touch Lola," from the Movie, S.H.I.E.L.D.) as we have dubbed the Skyline, is just the best car. She's all straight panels, looks like she's made of metal, bonus, doesn't look like she will attract the Police, is a boring beige colour, but she shines. I took a photo and put it on Facebook with the other four cars, the Tarago van, the Commodore, the Tucson 4 wheel drive and my retro Toyota Corolla.
My brother spoke to me over Skype from near Darwin,
" I love Lola " he said.
I had to agree, we all love Lola. She's a little gem, with her leather seats and her air conditioning
And good radio and ultra clean interior. Zach had the Tarago given to him by his Mum for his 18th birthday. She and her partner, Peter, drive the four wheel drive, a gift from his Mum who tragically died this year. Leaving him an orphan, losing both his parents in the last 3 years and they were both only in their fifties.
We have more cars than we have places to park them. We are at that age of the boys being car mad, five car mad, drooling over GTA v , eating a lot, lots of coming and going and working in cars and hanging with their mates. Lots of testosterone happening. We were drowning in it last year, Yvette, my second oldest daughter and I. But now we have started to redress the balance.
Two girl dogs now, one female grandchild to come in January, one female child to come at the same time, and us two, and two daughter in laws. Seven each, seven males and seven females. Nice balance and about time. Yvette is at the stage where she wants the boys stuff out and girly stuff in and I'm guessing she will win.