How To Be Really Happy
Without Prejudice
From Cosmopolitan
From Cosmopolitan
Yep, science has found legit strategies that make you feel damn good...
Happiness has got to be one of the best human emotions out there, right? But sadly, being over-the-moon all the time just doesn’t happen. Hectic jobs, friendship dramas and annoying boyfriends can all make us feel like, well, c**p.
But a scientific study published in the journal PeerJ has found that there are some things you can start doing right now to work on getting in a sunnier mood. Yep, like everything in life, practice makes perfect.
Researchers asked a group of 1400 people about their positive and neg emotions. They found that the optimistic peeps in the bunch were taking a different approach when it came to their life satisfaction and overall happiness levels – they basically just forced their brains into thinking happy thoughts as often as possible. And, you guessed it, this pos thinking caused them to win out in the feel-good stakes.
So what exactly can we do to get happier?
Change your mindset
Organisational psychologist Rachel Clements, confirms that a positive mindset will set you on the path to happiness. “People who really focus on being happy are probably more optimistic,” she explains. And simply making an effort to see the glass as half full will have a domino effect on your life. “People who are more optimistic will experience more positive emotions and they will engage in new experiences, they exercise, they interact with friends and family and have good working relationship,” says Rachel.
Do something for others
A 2008 study found that people tend to get happier when they spend their money on others. The researchers found that the study subjects who spent one-third or more of their money on someone else scored a full point higher on a five-point happiness scale. But you don’t have to spend $$$ to reap happiness rewards. “Whether you give up your seat for an older person or give a compliment to a friend, these positive actions will make you feel happier,” explains Rachel. So try and introduce a little kindness and charity into your life, stat.
Have sex
We don’t need much encouragement to head to the bedroom, but this will give you even more incentive… having sex has actually been linked to an overall increase in happiness in your day-to-day life. A study published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science in 2010 found that our anxiety can be lowered by having sex. Sex also causes the release of the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin, which helps you feel loved and close to your partner and loved – cue big smiles.
Get your gratitude on
Another way you can ensure even the worst day has a silver lining? Keep a gratitude diary. “Every night, write down at least three good things that happened that day,” Rachel encourages.
“When you’re forced to be grateful for things in your day, your focus will have to shift to see things positively.”
Move it!
“I wish I didn’t go for that run.” Said no one. Ever. Working out is not only good for your health, it’s great for your mental wellbeing too. Experts say it takes 21 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day to be considered fit, and fit women are 44 percent less likely to have depressive symptoms. Get moving, ladies!
Set goals
Yep, simply setting a goal will up your happiness levels hugely. “By setting out to try and achieve something in your life, you’ll be forced to take positive steps to work towards it,” says Rachel. And that feeling when you do reach your goal? “You’ll be filled with a huge sense of achievement and self-belief,” Rachel explains.
Get a pet
Naw, who doesn’t feel warm and fuzzy inside when around a cuddly puppy or kitten? Well turns out our animal friends have super powers when it comes to upping our own happiness. Research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2011 found that people who have dogs say that their pooch increases their feelings of belonging, meaning and self-esteem. Excuse us while we step out to the pet store…