Looking Good While Pregnant

Without Prejudice

She staggered in at the end of her tether, all kidded out from weekend of many kids and looked less than glamorous, me neither. It's been a tough couple of weeks, spring is upon us, the winter depression blowing out the window and pollen roiling in. Just great !

So she's well pregnant, 23 weeks, and finally after seven boys, she's having a girl. So had to just suggest a makeover for worn out Mother. The results above. She did it all herself, I just dragged out all the " stuff" I have accumulated over Winter. I am such a squirrel for picking stuff up and putting it away for later. 

Be prepared is my motto, I have necklaces, bangles, hats, four or five of everything in the makeup, moisturise, exfoliate, scrub, perfume, skin care range. I dragged everything out and placed it on surfaces. It covered one entire four foot coffee table and one countertop. Note to self, need to cut down on make up purchases. 

The kids trot out until she is exasperated, goes into the big house, ticks off partner and older boys for not giving her five minutes effing, blinding peace. And returns, steaming. I turn off the tv and hand her a magazine. An article on fringes or bangs as they call them in America, catches her eye, can make you look ten years younger, it states, all you need is the right fringe. 

She's immediately interested and turns her attention to it. Then she moans for a while about being bigger this pregnancy and feeling fat, frumpy and unglamorous. " Too many boys, " she states. 

" I am dressed like this all the time, " indicating track pants and hoodie.

 No make up, hair scraped back off her face. She's dressed warmly and practically for dribbling kids and over exuberant dogs. But I tell her she should be looking and feeling fabulous, Gwen Stefani wouldn't allow the kids to come before her in celebrity land, I tell her Gwen is pregnant. 

She's read the article and changes her fringe into a side sweep and teases and flips out the back. I've laid out all the beauty products and she grabs at them. It's been so long since she has been able to have some time to herself and trust me, that is not her. She's forgotten the rules of makeup, 

1. Wear every day
2. Cleanse off at night
3. Refer to rule one.

And the four essentials that you must have all the time, eye drops, concealer, lip gloss and mascara.

 It's not healthy, physically, mentally or emotionally to put others first all the time. When you have a breakdown, kids will just clamber over your inert slumped body and forage for food. She has to put herself first, now. And she agrees. 

She hasn't worn earrings in so long the holes are closed over, almost, but she gets the post through after a tiny tussle and that slightly sickly feeling you get when it sticks. 

We talk of many things, the boys and Cruz's amazing matching capability. He can put pairs of cards together quicker than his older brother. And tonight I was trying to distrct him with pretty pictures of Glittery Santa and snow and picked up an old fashioned fifties picture of a stylish woman. He gazed at it and straight away pointed to the fifties style woman on my chalkboard.

"Mummy " he said, " Same "


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