Aspergers And The News That Changes Everything

Without Prejudice

Aspergers is a serious illness related to the Autism Spectum.

Those that have it often have loud voices and yet are sensitive to house and stimuli.

The main symptom of Aspergers is not knowing how to react normally to emotion.

It is hard for them to empathise with others as they don't feel the empathy that others do and therefore  act " oddly" or " weird "

It tends to run in families.

High functioning Aspies can be highly intelligent.

They find it hard to make long term friends.

They tend to not make eye contact.

They do not have give and take in conversations, preferring to talk over other people.

They tend to focus on one subject that they communicate effectively in. For my ex it was WORK.

If you spoke to him of work he would talk for hours but would not ask questions back, like "How are you ? " " How did you go at the Doctors? "

I thought it was because he was uncaring, not suffering from an illness. But I realise none of his siblings act like him. Aspergers was not a discovered illness back in the seventies and eighties.

I have a daughter who acts the same and a Grandson.

Looking back I realise that my daughter and Grandson and ex have difficulty making eye contact or over stare.

They do not feel the normal emotions that others do.

They have " unusual " reactions to normal human emotion, grief, sadness,

They are often categorised as uncaring, odd, crazy.

They tend to let their partners do all the talking for them. I know my daughter does this, it is like having a conversation with two people at once.

Every day changes, one day she loves you and the next day she has forgotten everything any one else has done for her and goes on the attack.

I realise that is Aspergers.

She under functioned at School and was classified as a rebel. Hated and was jealous of her one year older Sister. The " Good One ", she called her and my youngest was and is a very good child, Woman.

Was seeing a child psychologist by the age of ten after kicking a Teacher and stalking home.

Played the clown at School so she tended not to get good grades or even a pass, yet was brainy. And is very wise and deep down caring.

My Grandson "hangs" with his older brother. Bound at the hip. Mumbles, acts the fool and yet in the scale of intelligence is genius like. His subject War, specifically the Second World War.

Luckily he and my daughter don't drink. Alcohol not a good idea for Aspergers people.

It tends to be more prevalent in males than females but runs in families. My ex has a son with slight Autism.

My daughter could not make eye contact as a child and people and I just thought she was being " rude ". People would try and engage her in conversation but she would ignore them.

I will try and tell her she may have Aspergers but she will probably " crack " it . She can be verbally and physically abusive towards others. She hates this. She can back stab and be shocked at others hostility when that bounces back to her.

Aspergers people tend to not have a lot of friends, preferring to spend time with specific people they tend to trust.

They are uncomfortable in Social situations, one of my daughters exes said she was never happy " being nice" or making small talk. He said she was only happy, " being angry "

Aspergers. And that changes my view of my ex, my daughter, my Grandson. It is something that needs to be diagnosed. Aspies tend to suffer also from depression, high anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

They fret about the smallest things, things that would not bother others.

They are not comfortable with emotion.

These days there are medications, therapy, there is no need for the Aspergers person to suffer in silence any more. That does not mean on getting a diagnosis that the Aspergers Person will want to "cure " the Aspergers. They may like the way they are. Feel comfortable being withdrawn, not having to force emotion, empathy.

But if there is a key to unlocking this baffling illness wouldn't you grab it with both hands ?

Maybe, maybe not.

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