How To Get Noticed --- Advice To My Grand Daughters

Without Prejudice

Be nice to everyone. You never know when you might need their help. So at work and at home be nice to everyone.

The guard at the gate at work, the person that cleans your office, the dust bin man, be nice, smile, be thankful they are all in your life.

Smile, even if your heart us breaking, just smile.

Nothing is as bad or as good as you fear. Worry just adds lines to your face and achieves nothing else.

Be confident, even if you have to fake it at first, confidence will come.

Rejoice in your successes. No matter how small, celebrate every achievement

Give yourself a little pat on the back when you achieve something. It's not about being " full of yourself " , it adds to your confidence.

Be pleasant to be around. Make sure you are showered, brushed teeth, clean clothes, show you are worthy of being noticed.

Guilt is an unnecessary thing. Guilt achieves nothing and you are not a criminal, just a flawed human being like the rest of us. Forgive yourself and if you have made a mistake, rectify it as soon as possible.

Help others, nothing will make you feel as good as giving others a " hand up " not a hand out.

Realise there will always be others that are richer, poorer, prettier, more accomplished than you but you are here for a purpose. Find that purpose.

Everyone has something that they are good at. Find what it is, nurture it, develop it, send it out to the world.

Believe. Not everything is explainable, believe in happiness, contentment and forget the mean spirited people that have hurt you. They have their own troubles and are to be pitied not hated.

Dress for success. Choose a style, not a fad fashion.

Dress for the job above you.

Wear makeup, not too much, have fun experimenting.

Be individual, don't just " go with the crowd "

Respect yourself and others will respect you.

Respect others, listen to what they are saying.

When you see crazy coming, cross the street.

Hang around with positive happy people, they will lift you up.

If you do gave to spend time with people that are negative, make the time as quick as us possible.

Feng Shui says when you have spent time with negative people, shower as soon as you get home, wash off that negative energy with the soap suds.

Respect your room, house, office, make it clean and organised. It will save you time and will be your beautiful safe haven every time you walk into it.

Your space should be cheerful, clean, warm and beautiful. Use colourful prints, flowers, candles, op shop finds only cost a dollar or two but can transform your space.

Do not get into debt. Patience, pay cash. You do not want a credit card debt of thousands of dollars, it is hard to pay back, the interest is crippling, the list goes on.

Be happy for others when they succeed.

Be happy for yourself when you succeed.

As Desiderata says,

" You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the Stars, you have a right to be here "

Love Janette xxx

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