The Flu Shot And The Virus

Without Prejudice

Yvette and I had the flu shot. Then we both went down together with a Virus that apparently every second Victorian has. The Dreaded Lurgy as Monty Python would have called it.

Yvette now has a serious lung infection after weeks of blocked ears and a heaving cough. I had to Drag her to the Doctors, as a Mother of eight she just decided to keep " soldiering on ".

Sick myself I was tired of her whingeing.

So she has a serious lung infection, infected ears, which I knew as she has had blocked ears for weeks, and infected sinuses.

I have to step up for the kids when she falls down and feeling like death warmed over myself this was not a great option.

I had the idiot Locum who said I was not too bad on the Saturday night and by Monday Morning was diagnosed by the second opinion Doctor with a serious throat, nose, sinuses and ear infection. A virus, two lots of different antibiotics, same as Yvette. Now I have thrush and cystitis. Yay.

My friend Gayle said that her Doctor told her every second Victorian has thus ugly virus and the only thing that worked for her was double strength Penicillin. She has custody of her two year old Grand Daughter and ended up enrolling her in Day Care so she could rest.

Rest and lots of fluids was the holistic answer but had to be combined with Penicillin or antibiotics. The weather is cold and rest, warmth and fluids seems such an attractive proposition if you can manage it. But we still have two kids to get to School, two toddlers at home, one car as the other vehicle has crawled into the driveway and died.

One boy to get to work, every day, one boy who moved out but has a nasty burn to his leg from a work accident who haunts us. His girlfriend has the worst morning sickness ever. The list goes on.

Yvettes ex partner who doesn't work and is the Father of her three youngest children is nowhere to be seen. He is the type if she has a headache he has a migraine,

Ever since I have known him ( seven years ) he has never worked. Preferring to sleep all day and play video games all night. He lives with his Sister now a days. Thank God for small mercies,

He is on a disability pension as he is prone to psychosis and chronic bad temper. Especially if you mention the four letter word, W.O.R.K. An anathema to him and any other otherwise healthy male with two arms and legs and a healthy body. Guessing if there were no pension he would be working.

Or jail or a psych ward.

So Yvette and I just get on with it just like many single Mothers and Grandmothers.

What else can you do ?

We are proud of the fact that the three oldest boys are working, that the two at School are doing well and the toddlers are full of health and vigour.

Even the cats, and dogs are glowing with health. It's just us. We the care givers, who get no help have gone down like bind pins. And are we whingeing about it ?

Of course we are.

We are Women, hear us cough.

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