The Secret To Real Happiness---A University Study---Bobby Schuller

Without Prejudice

I watched Bobby Schuller this Morning.

His Hour Of Power on Sunday's at so early an hour its almost obscene sees me waking at sparrow fart  just to watch.

He's engaging, funny, down to earth and inspirational.

A humble Man with a humble message.

It leaves me set up for the week, food for the soul.

I watch him, then the Catholic Sermons, Brian Houston, Joseph Prince and Joel Osteen.

All are powerful Orators, but being human and not divine, I find I have my favourites.

Bobby Schuller along with his sweet wife, Hannah and Joel Osteen.

Today Bobby introduced the subject of real Happjness. And a University Study that found that the more grateful you are for the small things in your life, the happier you are.

If you write down once a week, five things you are happy for, the happier you grow.

One Man said he was grateful for socks.

I have always thought of the soldiers in trenches and how a gift of warm, dry socks would be so gratefully received.

I feel the cold and love to garden. On entering my humble abode,  I always put warm dry socks on and the feeling is almost sensual.

So I reflected on what my five " attitude of gratitude " things would be this week.

1. I am grateful for my humble abode. It's cheap, beautiful and made outstandingly well. And it's mine, mine for life.

2. I am grateful for Cruz, my 4 year old Grandson, one of 14 grand children, who trots into my unit every day from the Main House and brings Weetbix and Milk, for him, and kisses and hugs for me. Leaving me feeling necessary and loved.

3. I am grateful to the muscled up ( fat ) Family cat, who wakes me every day by pounding, yes pounding, on the wire door and then ignores me.

4. I am grateful for Music, all Music except for Minnie Ripperton.

5. I am grateful for my Mitsie, as it looks fast even when standing still, and gets me to where I want to go.

The University study found that if you are a happy person, say a five, in a scale of one to ten, you can win the Lottery, who hoo and go up to a 10 for a while, but after a few months you will revert to a five.

Better to elevate to a seven all your remaining life and make all those around you happy also.

People respond to a happy person better than to a negative person. You know the negatives ones, ( they are unhappy people ) who can suck the very air out of the room. Avoid them at all costs. It's by being shunned they might learn to be more positive. Or maybe not but they will no doubt wonder why they are lonely.

I am grateful just to be alive, one day at a time.

And without sounding awkward or schmaltzy Jesus loves you and so do I.

Xxx Nette

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