5 Seconds Of Summer

Without Prejudice

I am watching Sunrise and then Five Seconds Of Summer are announced whose star is on the rise. Boys from Brisbane in Australia set to become "The Next  Big Thing "  and we can only wish them all the best. That new found fame and fortune will not destroy their youthful exuberance.

I use it to introduce the very unpopular but oh so necessary next subject on Sunrise, relationships and how to have a successful one and, break ups and domestic violence.

Whether to stay or whether to leave a bad relationship. How long to hang on in there and when you should leave.

If there is abuse of any kind, physical, emotional, verbal, or serial infidelity, you need to leave the relationship " As it is " .

Because you are going to lose.

I say "As it is " as sometimes the thought of a whole new set of circumstances can be overwhelming for a victim already weakened by abuse. Lines have been crossed and there are no borders of normal behaviour any more when abuse enters the picture.

Same for constant infidelity, you are weakened by putting up with things that you would never normally tolerate. Your partner has the problem, not you. You don't make their choices no matter how much they tell you that you do. That's just a cop out and you know it. It is often an excuse abusers will use to make themselves feel better. Just remember well balanced people do not judge others or put others down to make themselves feel better.

You might be tempted to stay, wish it was easier, question as to why should be the one that has to leave. Ninety nine times out of a hundred the woman will leave as men tend to cling to the bits of a broken relationship, marriage like a miser with his gold. When it comes to a dwelling you have shared, a man usually becomes very territorial and in some cases that can lead to more violence.

Cut off all contact with your ex, it seriously will get better after you do. It's painful to do that but very very necessary. Later on, down the track you can go back for belongings or make contact but I recommend no contact for at least a month or three.

I don't contact any ex of mine, what for ? It's over.

If you have to see your ex because of children aim to be polite, civil and think of the kids rather then your own pain and anger. Don't be drawn into fighting. Keep a polite silence. It has to be done but is never easy when you still have an amount of grief to relieve. Emotions are a funny thing, no one can tell how long it will take, so take care of yourself.

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