How To Turn A Man Off

Without Prejudice

I have a girlfriend, Grazia who says she necks a bottle of beer, ( large, ) in front of a man, she wants to turn off,  and propel him out the door. She was a Madam in a former life and is a tough little cookie but soft on the booze. Six drinks in, she turns into a spoilt little brat and wants to either get aggressive, argumentative or paranoid.

And that's about when I tick her off as I have known her since she was 12. It never escalates from there and she begs for forgiveness and strolls off in search of more beer.

Another girlfriend went to counselling to get rid of her Nazi bully like husband. She was told,

Don't sleep with him.

Don't share meals with him.

Don't engage him in conversation.

He was never going to leave " his house " even though they were very unhappy.

He was gone within a month.

Grazia also said be disgusting in front of him, don't wash, look like a sloven, don't do the housework.

 Act like you are crazy, (that's a good one )

Act like you have someone else, although that can backfire. Use with caution.

Tell them you have someone else by text.

Tell him you are moving.

Tell him you need "space "

Tell him you still have feelings for an ex.

The friend with the Nazi like husband once fed him breast milk in his coffee.

She said he would come home and demand his coffee as soon as he walked in the door. She had just had her fourth child and realised she had no milk. But he jumped up and grabbed the milk jug out of the fridge and added milk to his precious coffee.

She watched him drink it in silence, all if it, every last drop, then told him.

She said he wasn't happy at all but inside she was laughing.

My friend the Slovenian one, just kept staying out all night, night after night. When I asked her how her husband handled that, she shrugged and said,

" By the time I come home, he's gone to work "

One morning he was waiting for her and told her to get out. She did and rang me laughing,

" I'm homeless " she said.

She left him for what she thought was a rich man. But he was saving it for his kids. One night we all ended up at his place. Spa time on the verandah. Romantic for me and my partner, bubbles, champagne, the works. We woke the next day to my friend plinking on the piano outside our room and crying.

He was a dud, she said. No affection, no sex and no money, husband demanded an early divorce and married a 19 year old Thai girl within five months. My friend went mental. But there was no going back. She cried about it all for twenty years, called all her girlfriends trouble makers.

She met up with him twelve months ago, at her Mothers funeral.  Then he came to her house to drop off a card, just knocked and came in, she said. Looking for a happy reunion, the thing she had been going on about, forever.

And told him " Not a chance "

At least it let us, her girlfriends, off the hook.

She had conveniently forgot how over the preceding year, before the split, she had tried to get us to Witness a document to say, she and he would never ever get back together again.

In front of him.

Was prepared for him to go off with a prostitute in St Kilda, in fact, offered to pay him to go get one. We just laughed, refused to sign and went home. Not our business.

We did however, warn her she couldn't treat a man that way but she would not listen, was hell bent on running off with her lover. Her husband was a great guy, Dutch, good looking, tall, we her girlfriends thought she was mad to split up with him. But I guess she had her reasons.

I am not perfect by any means and have used some of those tips to get rid of men that "annoy" me. I avoid men that come on too strong straight away. Are crude. One man I was dating farted at the dinner table and he and all his Family laughed except me. I was appalled.

These days I just tell them, no excuses. This is what I want, this is what you want, it's not working, let's not see each other, anymore.

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