
Without Prejudice

I have begun to realise how lucky I am to have the life I live. I have four girls, grown now and awesome women. All strong and loving and greatly child bearing, so I am in my 50's with 15 grand children and a great grand child due next year.

I live in a one bedroom unit at the rear of one daughters property, she has 7 boys and for the moment is a single Mum. Every day of my life now, starts with an animal or a child greeting me. We share a fabulous sleek large musclely (Some would say, fat. ) cat, a Tom, who treats us all like dirt.

Until he wants dinner then he's everyone's best friend. Nicky rules the house and we know it. The only other animal is a hefty barrel like dog, a husky, a female, who is so pretty and as dumb as dog poo and we call her the Village idiot. She lolls out her tongue, just to add to her docile look.

She's gone even simpler now as her best friend and running Mate, Bonnie, the German Sheperd died this year. Kayko, has been depressed since Bonnie died and lies around a lot. We make a big fuss of her and she responds, but she's still as thick as a plank. And lying down is one of her favourite things and is totally slothful. Even lying down to eat.

Then come the boys, The three oldest now, close in age and all teens. They grunt and stay in their rooms a lot. They all pretty shy boys, considering the outrageous Mum, they have. Yvette is a complex character, a great Mum, a really good one, especially with her babies.

She's unorthodox and a major rebel and at the same time a careful hoarder and saver of money. She pays all her bills with religious fervour but couldn't care less if the whole house was tipped upside down. She doesn't see it as important. And little miss fastidious me has learned not to trot in to the house and clean it up.

She says it's never going to be tidy and the boys are all well and well looked after. She's being raising kids so long now, she's an expert and I leave her to it. Trusting her to do a great job and I know she does.

Yvette is outspoken, outrageous and will not conform to anyone or anything, she is her Dad all over. But underneath the layers, she remains a little girl. A tiny, little girl. She eats like a bird and only when hungry. She has an insane metabolism that burns weight off and she knows her body so well.

She fine tunes it like an instrument. She can't stand to be overweight, she loathes it, unless pregnant, then she's like a queen. She loves to be pregnant and to have babies and it seems to be her focus in life.

That said, she had complications last time with Cruz, who she had when she was 38. For the first time she had complications, a Placenta Previa, pregnancy. It was a long road to his birth as her feet swelled from six months on and the added worry of the low lying placenta ruled months of the pregnancy.

But all was well, He wanted out, came early, and I could have delivered him at home. The Placenta moved up and out of the way and he was born in one minute and 36 seconds. And he became the most happy, chubby and sweet baby. he still is at 15 months. Wakes with a smile, hugs with a smile, and is just a darling.

We all vote him the best baby, Alena would have run a close second, she was the same, waking each day with delight and mischief. She was so naughty and so funny and so brave, always getting up after falling over and laughing.

One time when on a "holiday" at Port Arlington, that turned into us all working, holding up the mesh of a fence in a gale, while Bob tied it off, she put her new front teeth through her lower lip, 3 times in the one day and still she smiled.

But Cruz excels and so did Dylan as a baby. Alena's boy, who came along after 3 gorgeous girls. Jade was a delight too. I guess they all delightful to me, Im one eyed. Kyan at 7 with his strawberry blonde hair and his three freckles across the bridge of his nose. born 5 weeks prem ature and fighting for his life within days.

Ashleigh, fighting for life in the Royal Childrens hospital for 10 days, 10 days of sheer exhaustion for Debbie and Andrew.

Georgia, who dances and can get her leg sideways above her head and dance is her passion, her muse, her love.

Zach, who at 17 wants to be a Policeman and has started the training and I know he will make an excellent Police Officer. Zach has always been a great boy, with a shy and savage wit. He is a great kid.

Kyle is 22 and is going to be a father next year, and has a beautiful girlfriend, Mladenka. He turned his whole life around this year and we remain in awe of his struggles. He takes on responsibilty like he was born to it. Which he was.

Jai is a brainy red head, which he used to be picked on about, but he has a strong character, Jai and is a fabulous actor and singer, really good. Hey Dad, I got a few musical ones, at last ! He hates having ADHD and taking medication for it.

But he understands that the school requires it and he is off it on weekends and holidays. we all call him Poindexter, as he has to be right and fills in every detail of knowledgeable till we tell him to shut up.

Brock is good looking, but doesn't care about that stuff. He is very much his own person Brock. He is going through teenage angst big time but has Kyle's support and guidance. he loves that.

Tegan is an angel and so is Tiana, Tiana the strong, Tegan the melt your heart sweet. Jade popular, intelligent, strong. her own person, always. She loves to sing and she is good, so is Jai and I am proud of them for that.

All Alena's kids are A grade students, which continues to both surprise and delight her.

Acer and Dylan love each other and laugh with delight at each other's antics. Acer loving the slightly older boy and Dylan liking just about everyone.

I love them all and feel so blessed to be so close to them. They make me laugh every day. Every day I get to see kids, and I love kids. They change and they grow and they learn and they drive me nuts at times and I can lock myself in my unit and have peace and quiet.

And when you have a restless big brain like mine, I need that. I need time in reflection and peace so I can write. Writing being my passion, my muse, my addiction. my lover, and when I have had enough of the land of imagination, the kids call to me to come and play. Love it.

Love Janette

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