Jingle Bells All The Way

Without Prejudice

Its Jingle bells all the way at the house and unit we live in. Kayko the barrel like Husky has dropped her depression at last at losing her best friend this year. She romps now with Yvette dodging, ducking and weaving.

She even picked up a stick in her mouth and ran with it, almost trotting like Bonnie, her older constant companion who died. But drops it and then seems to have no understanding when I throw it again. She is intelligent but likes to act like a puppy, which she is not.

My daughter and I have cleaned up all the outside, the object that the three little boys, aged 7, 3 and 1 can safely play without picking up snails or bugs, shards of plastic and the dry dog food as the birds love to eat it.

There is a giant trampoline and a swing set and trucks and cars, an outdoor setting with a huge umbrella, that becomes at times a ship or castle, the table to be stood on. Acer is only 3 but incredibly strong, we call him Bam Bam. he can move full bins from one side of the yard on his own to the other.

We have new grass growing and Yvette bought a mower a few months ago and we keep all the grass short as the boys act like their throat has been cut when we ask them to mow the lawns. The teenage boys and Kyle, that is.

4 grown boys as well live at times in the house and they are like one person. All hormones and grunts when they open their mouths. Always with heads endlessly in the fridge and asking for "Real" food, like hot chips, dim sims anything fried is good or take away. Take away is the best as far as they are concerned.

We don't plan a main menu for the boys for Christmas day as en masse they want fish and chips at the beach if it's hot. We explain that shops won't be open Christmas day, but they don't believe us and return to their caves. They love darkened rooms and games and I recall my brothers rooms with signs on the outside, saying, "Keep Out", "No girls allowed".

My Sister, Jackie and I would be affronted at this and we took a peek in once. The whole room was dark with a green tinge to it, almost swamp like. It smelt and was gloomy and Jackie and I backed out, disgusted.
Boys seem to need a lot of time by themselves and we can only hope its spending time planning on being the Hero as they grow into Men. But I personally think they are just skiving off work and tell Yvette this and she either lets them get away with doing no work and moaning a lot.

Or she riles them up, and when she riles them up, she is terrifying, they all scared shitless of her. They tell everyone that I am scary but they scared of their Mum, mostly. Yvette is a tiny little girl that struggles to keep weight on. She has had 7 healthy boys and remains a sixe 6, that looks great in jeans.

She does herself up on special occasions and truly does love just spending time with her boys more than "Tripping The Light Fantastic". She has taken a man down to the ground with one arm, the other holding a child by the hand and her 8 month pregnant belly getting in the way and having to turn sideways to protect her unborn child.

We clean up all the time and the boys steadily undo it. Yvette shrugs it off, and we end up just sorting things in to piles amd tell the boys to be responsible for their own clothes and their own rooms. We try and abide by the rules of Nanny Frost but usually end up either stamping our feet or clouting them across the head in a nice way.

Kyle is an overactive, hyperdrive 22 year old that loves to take risks and stay popular. He has a girlfriend called Mladenka, who after leaving home, (Not a good place ) lives with Kyle and is having a baby. They have their own unit in Dandenong. Kyle preferring to move out 12 months ago.

He works hard and is a good role model for his brothers. He drives an Audi, and it's paid for and he pays his rent so he is doing just fine. Zachary the 2nd in line is doing his Fitness Course as part of his training to be a Policeman. And the great irony is that his Dad reads it upon his release from 8 months of incarceration.

Simon is the father to the five older boys, Kyle, Zach, Brock, Jai, and Kyan. Aged, 22, 17, 15, 13 and 7, almost 8. They are nice boys, don't hang at shopping centres, don't smoke or drink or misbehave. It's a miracle given the fiery mother and grandmother they have.

They love home, Yvette calls them her "Home Boys" and they are remarkably polite and well mannered and everyone likes them, especially Zach who is the same as a little boy. Shy, fierce and solemn. he made all the pronoucements in the family.

When he was little he would say that everything was "dead". The tree was dead, the man walking was dead, the dog was dead. We used to worry about it but he was just making his pronouncements. he remains a solemn but happy boy of nearly 17, handsome and fresh faced.

Kyle is also handsome and funny and self deprecating, they have to laugh these boys, as they have had a crazy topsy turvy life. A Father who they love very much. But he has had to deal with some serious addictions and they hope and pray that this time, he stays out of jail, where he usually ends up.

In a way we think it keeps him alive, Simon, their Dad, being hauled of to jail, every so often. Last time he was Ok for 5 years, and we hope that he gets the message this time. He does his time once he is is dried out quietly and with no complaint.

I pity him, his addictions ruling his last twenty odd years, since he was 17, and it's a shame that he has missed out on so much of his boys lives. But they have turned out O.K. and he is immensely proud of them and his face lit up when we saw him at his Sisters funeral.

Simon there in handcuffs which his sleeves hid and the kindly guards staying in the back ground. It was a sad funeral, Simon's sister only 39 and leaving 3 kids behind. She had not been well for years, poor thing. Simon then looked well and different. More like a younger Robert Downey Junior than the wasted man we saw earlier this year, "The Machinist" look we call it, or boned out or skeletor.

All drug users end up skinny and sick and have sores and injuries, they hate the drug, but crave it. Love Hate, sacred profane. And as we know now, people end up in the same place again and again by their natures or characters but alcohol and drugs just get you there a whole lot quicker.

A lot quicker.

I am no expert but I am older and wiser, I hope. The ones that drink too much or do drugs too long, where it takes over their lives, usually, and I say this cautiously, have serious childhood issues. They may have been spoilt too much by a weak or fearful anxious Mother. Or they might have been mentally, sexually or physically abused.

They are often childish, demanding, tantrum throwing, narcisstic and selfish. An addict affects 45 people circling around them and they are there in the eye of the storm. I think ex junkies and alcoholics are really good role models, and their own peers. But you can't beat meds and counselling.

And good support systems, the people that won't give up, like Debbie, Mladenka, Alena, Yvette and I. we are always fighting amongst ourselves, all strong women and opinionated, which weakens us. but joined together we can move mountains. And Kyle's problems 12 months ago were insurmountable, huge, heart breaking.

But we girded our loins up against the powers that be, decided he was worth saving and young and went the whole hack and got him help and gave him support and he was overwhelmed. Not sure how to handle help when he had been battling along on his own, as ever.

Kyle couldn't understand why we would want to help him, as far as he was concerned he had done wrong to all of us and he would pay for it. Well he did pay for it and hard. And we as women had to supress all emotion and be as logical as males and it worked, it worked, we were so happy.

We thought he was worth the effort, Debbie and Andrew, their friends and families coming on board with a vengeance and Alena and her tribe, Yvette and her tribe, me and my brother George, Mara too. We had meetings and plans and appointments and schedules and tears and tantrums and swearing and hissy fits and clouted each other, we were bad! But the end result was worth all the effort.

Simon is out 4 days before Xmas, so many he has spent "inside" and the boys "outside", Yvette deciding years ago, it's "Too 80's" to be taking your kids in to jail to see their witless Father. She prefers to shield them from Simon's addictions and now they are older they don't like it, they want to "Caretake" him all the time.

Simon suffers from high anxiety, but then who doesn't ? Everyone gets anxious at times, but his levels go way high and Yvette always senses it in him and deals with it. They are like Mom And Pop these days, the two rebels from hell, when young. They are older now and parents to grown children and it's very different to when they were just teenagers.

Now, their conversations are kids only and Yvette is a good friend to him, once saving him from an OD and she was so angry she almost burned up. Yvette is great as long as she has some sort of help and support, mainly someone to talk to. Another female is good, surrounded as she is by what she calls her "14 sets of balls".

Alena is off to Philip Island this year for Christmas Day, with the family, camping. Alena has had a tough awful year. She was attacked by 10 women in the toilets at the Nu Hotel in Dandenong. There had been a simmering fight that started on Facebook and a missing ring and escalated to violence. there is no excuse for violence and those women should have had their heads read, grown women attacking another woman, it doesn't bear thinking about.

But Alena triumphed over them all. She kept her head up and just kept on going. I saw her crying often at her broken fingers and the red scratches that were clawed down her breasts, torso and even legs. A full bottle smashed to her head and it didn't break. And her Dad's answer to her distress,
"Whats a 36 year old Mother doing at a Pub, anyway", no doubt he and the saintly new wife came up with that one together. God please someone kill the pair of them !

If I had a wish for her it would be to be herself and never to be scared of that. Thats freedom, true freedom. And I am a Scot in that way, Freedom means everything to me. Freedom of speech, freedom to protest, freedom of finance, freedom of mind, freedom to just be me. I didn't realise how much I missed being free. Probably never being free up until now.

I used to be a people pleaser, peace at any cost, doormat. I was a good hearted person and generous and loving. None of which worked. So then in a sort of relevatory way this year I decided after Camp Eden I was going to change my life, inside and out.

And it took time and work and effort and crying and tantrum throwing and bad nights sleep and more work and more writing and I laid it all bare on the pages, my life. With all its flaws and secrets, some still remain hidden, and it was cathartic. I don't like psycho babble (Too American ) but it did work. And my original intention was to write funny stories about my ex, who was a fantastic character to write about.

My brothers loved stories of him as he was so funny in his intensity. A Full on Man.

And then the writing became darker and harder to write as I am a good soul and hate going to the dark side, my exes will tell you I won't even watch Bambi without getting emotional and violence I abbhor. But there has to be dark before light, to appreciate it fully, the light.

Some people have a skewed vision of it, I'm of the mind that it's too good to waste, but I am one of the luckier ones, that know, how precious life is and how it can be changed in a second, never to be the same again. And of the incredible journey you have to go on to seek answers and in the end, there are none.

And how you have to make a life around that, make sense, rhyme, reason of a life beautifully lived and cut short and that ass holes still exist in this world and seem to be ready to make a mess of as many lives as they can, because their Mummy wasn't nice to them. Or something. Gives me the shits half the time and I honestly turn off the news now as I can't be bothered hearing what some horrible nut job has done.

And it only took 3 weeks for him to find my stories on the internet and I had code named him H. And he was as ever, negative and hateful, but I realise that is just "him", he's like that. And he is to be pitied rather than hated. I love my girls and he is the Father and I thank him for that. But you can't love someone you fear, and I always feared him until the end. Then I realised I was just as bad as I put up with him, boo hoo, poor me.

And because of him and the huge influence he had been on my life I pushed men away, which is probably very sensible for a "big brain" like me. I either have to get someone brainier than me or get someone sweet and supportive and I would hate him within a day.

Or a super spunk, with time and energy and I can't be bothered at the mo. I know the girls want me to settle down but I do not want another failure to add to my relationship list. And I seriously like my privacy and peace and quiet. I can't imagine giving that up. To a MAN, not a chance!

I finally can be the person I wanted to be, just me. I am not perfect by any means, i am human after all, but I make sure every day in some way I honour my childs memory and help someone else. As she was love personified and I was blessed enough to ber her mother. And that alone makes me happy, sad too, but ultimately contented.

I am surrounded by children every day and dumb animals, buyers for Ebay or writing, writing and more writing. The interruptions are many and varied, ranging from pregnant girl having first baby after losing one to requests to open wrappers, to a bubbly baby boy of one that loves to hug and smile and is a little blob of fun and naughtiness.

And these days I put myself number one, Me first, as all women should. Women are great creatures, the good ones, the ones that I know. They tell it like it is and share their troubles with teenagers and husbands and lovers and men. Bloody Men ! Men are the common enemy and we devise ways of praising them without them fucking up again.

We admire their amazing flights off into the bigger outside world, dazzling and plummeting to the ground. We let them make their mistakes and roll our eyes and persist and persist. They smash cars and run out of petrol and want money and they don't want to have to work for it.

Two of the boys have doing nothing down to a fine art of slothfulness that entails lots of sleeping during the day on the holidays, one saying,

"its the holidays, eight weeks of sleep ins", nothing being more precious to a teenage boy.

I find it ironic that I who had 4 girls am surrounded by a veritable sea of males. Is this God's punishment for being a Germaine Greer, clone when young.???

I baulked at the burning of the bra and not shaving legs and pits, eeeuuuurrgggh!  But all the other stuff sounded good, Equal pay ( laugh) and equal rights, ( Laugh). Women are still classified as second class citizens half the world over and as for equal pay and rights we still have a long way to go.

I think we are equal in some ways and should make a lot of the decisions in the Family as we are the more caring, nurturing ones.

Yvette and I make decisions arbitrarilly, I suggest something, she screams at me as to why it won't work and then we do it anyway. She's "highly strung" Yvette, and is more than capable of running her own life with friendship and support.

Thank God we have two dwellings as under the same roof, cheek by jowl, we would end up killing each other. Every woman should have her own kitchen. And we do. And we have learned to bump along side each other in our living arrangements. Giving each other space and privacy.

Yvette is easy peasy in that way, she just floats along in life, is no big sook, is brave and circumspect about life. She is a diagnosed pessimist but she can be totally irreverent and funny and is a truly loving Mum and thinks the sun shines out of her boys asses and that is as it should be. They are her greatest achievement and reason to exist.

Love Janette

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