Im So Very Lucky

Without Prejudice

Amongst this week of sadness and losing my Son In Law's  Mum, Vicky, leaving him parent less at 23. The Boston Marathon Horror, The Waco Explosion, my daughters horrible illness, my adopted daughters discovery that she has a brain aneurysm at 39 weeks pregnant comes a little bit of good news.

I am going to be published. And I am so grateful and humbled.

I am so lucky in my life to have the support of my lovely family, my 5 great girls and my about to be 14th Grandchild. And my darling great grandson Andrej. And his beautiful Mum, Mladenka. Her story of bravery and hope gave me inspiration so many times. and to, Kyle
, my oldest grandson, " The wonderful boy" that told me her story so we could " rescue" her.

She now lives a wonderful life. Sadly they are no longer together but both have moved on and have a wonderful child they both absolutely adore.

I am truly blessed with great girlfriends who provide hope and inspiration and lots of practical advice. I would be lost without them.
They tell me the truth, love me with all my faults and hug me when I am down and pull me back when I am up. Without their support I wouldn't have the life I have now.

My brother David that sat me down and MADE me write, my brother George who told me I could write and let me use his house, time and money, to write the stories, love you Georgie. And the checking up on me that I had written a story a day for 140 days. And was not tempted to watch Foxtel all day and eat all his ice creams, which is all I want to do in the Winter.

Even in Queensland. Lol

My Sister, Jackie who bought me my first computer to encourage me to write and trusted me enough to do it. Thank you so much Jackie. I always said I would dedicate the first book to her. And have to mention, Mum, Dad, Jamie, Lauren, the ones that are no longer here but are never forgotten.

I have my Sister In Laws who I remain friends with even though they are no longer married to my brothers and my exes sister who I have known since she was 6. Thank you so much for remaining  my friend Kerrie, post divorce from your Brother.

But I would have to be grateful the most to my brave girls, that have had traumatic lives but never felt sorry for themselves, jumped in to help others and are great.

I am humbed to have been the Mother of a lovely girl I had for 12 and a half years and lost. But her loving spirit inspired me to be better and to help someone else every day. Her memory will live with me forever. She loved all of us and told me in a visit from the ether, 18 months after she died.

1. She saw Kyle all the time and he was beautiful, and we were to look after him for her. Kyle was not even two weeks old when Lauren died.

2. That I was to not be scared I didn't have a husband (Bob) anymore, that we were on different paths in life and were never meant to be together.

3. That she was happy, ecstatic and was no longer chubby with baby fat but was tall and slim.

4. And as she drifted back to the place that was wonderful she told me to
And I replied.
"what, like letters? "
And she said,
"no, not letters, just write!"

And 21 years later, I did x

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