Sellable Skills and Boston Bombing

Without Prejudice

Had to update my C.V. this morning amidst the news of the Boston Marathon Bombing. It's so sad and so horrible, charity runners, wheelchair people, disheartening and my heart goes out to the victims. Terrorism is so unpredictable, I was born in Scotland, with UK parents.  And the British endure. My parents fought in the Second World War and taught us kids about never ever giving in.

The I.R.A featured in our British lives, bombings, terrorist acts, wars, were to be endured no matter what. The stiff upper lip of the British. Life will go on and terrorism will go on, it's reality. The scary thing about terrorism is its very unpredictability. You never know where they are going to strike. Life is full of fanatics.

So, back to my sellable skills on my life C.V. Ironically my professional C.V. Is being sent today to Boston Kennedy, the irony doesn't escape me.

But in sellable skills I only add my computer experience, my work experience in Purchasing, my professional achievements and it makes me think what other sellable skills I have, in life that is. Sellable to others if I never go back to a desk job. The traffic from where I live is horrendous to the work centres of the Metropolis. Adding hours to an already long stressful day. Purchasing is full on.

I worked at The Sheraton Mirage on the glorious Gold Coast and learned 5 Star Cleaning. I trained at Royal Pines, 10 days of learning how to clean ONE room. And trained in all the perfidity of human nature. How to deal with syringes, excreta, blood, condoms, sperm. They teach you to clean spotlessly and then they step it up and teach you how to do it FAST!

So cleaning is one of my sellable skills.

I can cook. After raising a family of girls, 4 of and their friends, a fussy, finicky eater and an army of Grandkids, I can cook just about anything. I recently bought a set of Women's Weekly menu cards from the 70's. the memories came rolling back as I flipped through the cards. Beef Stroganoff, vanilla slices, coconut ice ( The perfect recipe ) savoury mince, cabbage rolls, pavlova, boiled fruit cake,  the cards number 882 and I can cook them all and just about have.

I can become a housekeeper to an elderly gentleman. My Mum In Law was, and it was a fantastic jub she said. No worries about him chasing you around the kitchen and being appreciated whole heartedly. My Mr Rossiter from Jane Eyre. And just running a household, doing the shopping, picking up the dry cleaning, washing, ironing, mending. Lovely stuff.

Then I can tutor in English. I do it for free with my Grandkids. Have written or helped to write a synopsis on War, critique To Kill A Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Apocolypse Now, discuss.
And we discuss and then I make sure they have the interest, that they "get it", and ask them a million questions to make sure they have.

Advanced homework in Maths I can do now, even though I still count things on my fingers. I hated Maths at school. I hated logarithms and geometry and fractions, algebra. Never saw the value in it. Then real life happened early. I was married and had two babies by the time I was 19.

So as I educated my own children in Maths, I realised all the information I had been fed was still there. That finally all those cut up oranges sectioned into quarters and sixteenths made sense finally. The divide bys and the meaning of PI, the common denominators, all were there in my head and I thought of my Mums favourite saying,

Educate a boy and you educate the man, educate a girl and you educate a Family. "

I swear I am a frustrated Teacher and now am too old to go back and do another 2 years of Dip of Ed. so I write instead, and some of the highest readership is on Teen Girl problems. Cutting, anorexia, drugs, boys, pregnancy. Real life issues and I know what shows on a teen girls face is not showing the turmoil going on underneath.

I could be a counsellor, very good money, but not sure if I am prepared to put up with the course as in courses I get a sort of cabin fever which drives me nuts. And as I have gotten older I am not sure I am that tolerant and would end up telling them off and to go sort their s**t out. I find it hard enough to cope with my own huge family and their myriad of problems.

And last but not least I could be a sex therapist, charge for what I give away for free. It's been a long time between drinks and twelve months already. But I couldn't do that, it's hard enough to bare your body before one man, never mind a few. One note here, I love the way men say so proudly they have never paid for sex in their lives.
Honey, you've paid in one way or another.

Love Janette

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