Aaaaah ---Air Conditioning And Australia Day

Without Prejudice

When anyone walks into my unit on a hot day now,  I make them hover a while at the front door, feel the cool air and say,

" Aaaaaaah"

I've been through three summers here and finally I have Air Conditioning, beautiful, wonderful, icy cold Air Conditioning. It' a hard to believe I survived Summers in Melbourne without Air Conditioning. My ally Ken, from Hitech Inspect, told me the unit was 10 sq Metres, the first house we had in Keysborough was only 13 squares and was made bigger by the addition of an ensuite.

 Four kids, two dogs, one cat at a time lived in the four bedrooms, one minuscule family room and a laundry that you couldn't swing a cat in ( the cat sat in the stainless steel laundry tub, most times ). Now I have 10 squares just for me and the occasional visitor. And the day I was handed the keys and wept, the two builders told me it was a great design, well insulated and built but, it would get excruciatingly hot in Summer.

It's a box shape, ( I even have my own little entry hall) and the walls are not timber but fibro sheet without the asbestos of course. Asbestos has not been Included in Fibre Cement Sheet since 1987. And I think if these units are to be fit for the gentle elderly ladies that inhabit them they should have an Air Conditioner included. Think of all those elderly ladies sweating discreetly giving off scents of Cashmere Bouquet powder that they have powdered into their cleavage.

I survived the other Summers with fans and a water cooler filled with big blocks of ice. When things were really bad I would jump in and out of the shower after turning the taps on cold and screaming a lot. Just quietly being wet all the time strips all the rough heel gunk that accumulates when you wear backless shoes or things all the time. I spent a goodly time in Queensland when a child and still hate shoes with a passion, but when pushed will wear thongs ( have to be Haviaanas ) which tends to give you grubby feet.

I have saved a fortune on Pedi Eggs, loofahs, pumice stones and foot salve and have no bunions, bumps or callouses and it's mainly because of having bare feet all my life. The first thing I do when I arrive home is first kick off any shoes and if hot and sweaty rip off my bra as well and toss it. I hate bras as well but they are a necessary evil if you do not want gravel rash on your nipples as you age.

I did have an old window air conditioner for a while in storage but found out I had to have a certain plug which involved an electrician. Bummer. So I sold the great big heavy monster on a brutally hot day last Summer and put up with the heat. I searched on Google for cooling methods like wrapping your wet naked body in a wet sheet and lying down on a towel. It's very soothing and makes you sleepy and content.

I just persevered until I had the money to pay for the best Air Conditioner. I studied BTU's and watts and square footage. 12,000 will do 10 squares of hot box, beautifully. 7,500 not enough and 15,000 too much.

I shopped around online and found many decent Air Conditioners for good prices but ended up buying a Wall Air Conditioner of the long skinny horizontal type from neighbours who had to declare bankruptcy a few years ago. They are fitting it and it's easy but they had to travel back to their old house to fetch a back panel. So they gave me their portable to borrow while they go to fetch said panel. They barely used it they said.

At first they weren't ready to hand it over and the weather was heating up so in the end my Grand Daughter and I forced the issue and went and grabbed it. We had to wobble it up the driveway, no trolley, as promised , but we managed, stepping it up the wooden stairs outside and both neighbours came over to show me how it worked.

Two days later their Evaporative cooling broke down and the landlord refused to fix it and decided to sell the house instead. The neighbours were in shock. The lady neighbour a very large lady and her husband who is massive are disability pensioners. They came over to visit just after Christmas and he could barely get out of my squishy couch. I put a board underneath the cushions later for when they come again.

They are both great kind friendly people but she said with him home all the time and their male boarder also on disability and not working she gets bored a lot. The men mainly sit around watching telly all day and she could scream sometimes and goes out as much as she can. She was the one that told me not to pay the " Boys" for the Air Con until they have fitted it. And to please take the port table until my one was together. So I did. Making the three days of over 40 C very comfortable and bearable.

Not for them, however, and I felt bad that they would be sweltering while I was cool and then I thought,

" Stuff that "

They have had since a month before Christmas to get organised and they haven't. No matter what she promises he never seems to deliver, not even for money, which they say they need. Delightful people but not that reliable and I figure if they need money and need to get cool they will do something about it. That's the way I am these days,

"It's all about me"

And when I have told significant family members that from now on, kids don't rule, boyfriends don't matter they all applaud and say,

"About time "

So when you come to my place,  hesitate at the door and say,

"Aaaaaaah, Air Conditioning "

Love me xxx

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