I Love My Wife--Dicky Fox, Jerry Maguire, Tom Cruise
Without Prejudice
Dicky Fox: If this
[points to heart]
Dicky Fox: is empty, this
[points to head]
Dicky Fox: doesn't matter.
Dicky Fox: I love the mornings! I clap my hands every morning and say, 'This is gonna be a great day!'
Dicky Fox: Hey, I don't have all the answers. In life, to be honest, I failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my wife. I love my life. And I wish you my kind of success.
I love my wife, I love my life.....
So says Dicky Fox, Tom Cruises sports agent mentor, in the movie Jerry Maguire
The most important thing in life is our relationships with significant others. Wives, husbands, partners, children. Although material wealth is a lovely thing and gives comfort from debt, bills and allows choices, it doesn't mean much if your personal life is a nuclear wasteland. Long term happiness comes from our interaction with others.
Trust is the number one thing in relationships. It's easily broken. Always do the things you don't want to because it benefits you in the long run.
And everyone is included. Your partner, your friends, neighbours, children, grandchildren, acquaintances.
We all live pretty ordinary lives, we all have to pay bills, be responsible, but if we ourselves are happy and content then we benefit the society that surrounds us and the bigger universe. Happy people make good decisions.
When the fictional character Dicky Knee says he loves his wife you tend to think what a great guy. And whoever the writer is says in three short words what matters to most men and women. That you love, are loved and frankly there is no better feeling.
Laugh it off, roll with the punches, if people are negative try and change their point of view. 85% of comments are negative. Be part of the solution, not the problem. No one ever became a success listening to negative comments.
Have a grand vision of your life, dance to retro music as if you are still that age, listen to others
And really listen.
Jerry Maguire (1996)
Dicky Fox: The key to this business is personal relationships.Dicky Fox: If this
[points to heart]
Dicky Fox: is empty, this
[points to head]
Dicky Fox: doesn't matter.
Dicky Fox: I love the mornings! I clap my hands every morning and say, 'This is gonna be a great day!'
Dicky Fox: Hey, I don't have all the answers. In life, to be honest, I failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my wife. I love my life. And I wish you my kind of success.
I love my wife, I love my life.....
So says Dicky Fox, Tom Cruises sports agent mentor, in the movie Jerry Maguire
The most important thing in life is our relationships with significant others. Wives, husbands, partners, children. Although material wealth is a lovely thing and gives comfort from debt, bills and allows choices, it doesn't mean much if your personal life is a nuclear wasteland. Long term happiness comes from our interaction with others.
Trust is the number one thing in relationships. It's easily broken. Always do the things you don't want to because it benefits you in the long run.
And everyone is included. Your partner, your friends, neighbours, children, grandchildren, acquaintances.
We all live pretty ordinary lives, we all have to pay bills, be responsible, but if we ourselves are happy and content then we benefit the society that surrounds us and the bigger universe. Happy people make good decisions.
When the fictional character Dicky Knee says he loves his wife you tend to think what a great guy. And whoever the writer is says in three short words what matters to most men and women. That you love, are loved and frankly there is no better feeling.
Laugh it off, roll with the punches, if people are negative try and change their point of view. 85% of comments are negative. Be part of the solution, not the problem. No one ever became a success listening to negative comments.
Have a grand vision of your life, dance to retro music as if you are still that age, listen to others
And really listen.