Johnny Depp, Captain Jack, Michael Bolton

Without Prejudice

Australia's fascination with Johnny Depp continues to grow. He is a Rebel, a great actor and flawed. A bit like an American Ned Kelly and as Australians we love a " Ned Kelly" character.

Johnny seems to be taking on the characteristics of his most famous role as Captain Jack Sparrow,

 ( watch the spoof video of Michael Bolton singing Captain Jack, Michael dressed as a Pirate, it's brilliant )

We all know Johnny is a talented actor, known for picking unusual film roles, Edward Scissorhands immediately springs to mind. And Ed Wood, Fear And Loathing In Los Vegas. He takes risks and some work out and some not. But he keeps right on just keeping on and we admire his work ethic.

He bounces back as Captain Jack based as we all know on another Ned Kelly character, Keith Richards. He now seems to be so immersed in the character it must be hard for him to separate fact from fiction.

But his main saving grace is that he is funny. And he no doubt doesn't take him self seriously.

His two gorgeous little dogs enter Australian air space illegally and Barnaby Joyce hits the roof. Johnny flies back to the U.S. With them in tow he chases his wife of a few months as she leaves him after only months of marriage, enters rehab for a short stint and is then back in Australia to finish the next Pirares Of The Carribean movie.

I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Australia has fallen in love with him, our adopted " Yank "

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