Pink---Just Give Me A Reason Ft Nate Ruess

Without Prejudice

I suggest you do yourself a favour and download this song to your favourites on YouTube. It's not only sexy but the two talents Pink and Nate Ruess work together in such harmony that it make the hairs on your forearms stand to attention. Pink's real life husband, Carey Hart features as her love interest in the clip and boy oh boy is he easy on the eye.

Muscled torso and covered in Tatts.

The song is about the angst couples go through in relationships and how difficult it can be to stay together when she sees it her way and he sees it his. How different we are. Men and women are not just from Mars and Venus but from Outer Mongolia and Las Vegas. Poles apart. My daughter thinks men and women speak entirely different languages, she should know having raised 7 males and now a baby girl. She sees the differences from birth.

Her boy babies were placid, easily pleased and quiet. Her new addition, now one 17 months old and a female is curious, driven, prone to tantrums and far more advanced than the boys were at that age. Kyan who was five weeks prem was happy not to walk until he was 18 months, nor talk till he was about 4. Now we can't shut him up.

The older males sailed through the teen years, mainly by staying in their rooms, only venturing out to mumble, eat, grunt, eat some more and retire to their rooms again. Not much trouble really. I had four girls and am so scarred by their teen years I shudder when I hear the words Teen Girls. The boys never even fought once. Girls do nothing but and its mainly verbal. It's called bitching. I called it Hell.

Pink said she was a rebel as a teen. Whatever she could do she would. Push that button, envelope, barrier to find out who she was. The worst thing I did as a teen was put aspro in my coke which was supposed to " do" something, transcend consciousness, get us teen girls " off" , anything to escape the ennui of being a Grammar School girl, living in the U.K. In the late 60's.

It did zilch, nada, nowt.

We heard talk of Blue Meanies, LSD, but had no concept at all of them. Drugs were for rock stars not acne riddled teen girls. We were more concerned by a spot than we were dots on sugar cubes. More concerned with getting money off our Mum and Dad for the stretch corduroy black dress with lace on the collar and cuffs than finding drugs. Although the occasional sneaking of alcohol from a friends Dads stash was de rigour and tasted like shite.

Going out with a Boy to the movies was O K as long as you didn't mind wrestling with him for two hours to get his tongue out of your ear or hand off your breast. Lots of wet sloppy kisses, tolerated but not fun. For that we would primp and preen for hours beforehand. Our best friend, the mirror, covered in practice kisses and hairspray. Ah, the beehive where did it go ? And PVC peel off eye liner. Tramlines ? Hair ironing?

And teen angst.

And now we watch a society gone mad for the smart phone. Progress? Not on your life. It's so much easier to " drop" someone over the old fashioned Home Phone. Now it's by text. How inpersonal.

Lol, laugh out loud, lots of Love,

Nette x

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