Let It Be---the Beatles And Joseph Prince

Without Prejudice

I've gone back to my Presbyterian faith and instead of going to Church on Sunday's I watch my sermons on Sunday's.

Love all the Pastors, and Joseph Prince always delivers a good one. So do the others.

Joseph says let it be, let it go, forgive everyone that has done you harm in your life, realise no one is perfect and move right along.

I usually take a phrase and let it work for me until the next Sunday.

Grace is a great one.

Forgive another.

Just imagine how happy you feel in your heart when you forgive. It doesn't make what the other person did right, but forgiveness works for your own heart. It doesn't mean you are a wimp or a push over, it simply means you will become happier.

The Pastors faces are always glowing, beaming and I figured that " These People " have " Something". Something twelve months ago I didn't have.

The once a week sermons leave me happy for the week until it's time to be reminded again of Love, Patience, Compassion. A Simple life of Faith.

Forgiveness I struggled with. I had two very violent exes. No one knows of their dark side as their " good" side is affable, charming and funny. Who would think that such seemingly happy men could be so bitter on the inside.

 One, the Irish alcoholic I thought I was going to die at the hands of. I thought of my kids finding me dead body and rose up and called the Police. They hate that, fearing Prison. as they would be classed as "scum" for beating Women and in the case of one ex, children.

But if you look into their childhood they were both damaged beyond repair. Brutality being part of their lives. I have come to a compromise. I forgive but never forget. You can't do both. You can forgive and not forget or forget and not forgive. Some People do not deserve forgiveness and to do so would make you neurotic.

But Let It Be, just like the Beatles sing.

Let It Go, it was " then ", not " now "

Let them be miserable in their own lives, they no longer affect yours.

Nette xxx

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