Are all families dysfunctional ??????

Without Prejudice

I laugh at being the Matriach of a family such as mine. I really laugh out loud because if I didn't I would rip my hair out by the roots and strip naked, running around the backyard, screaming. But I don't. Mostly I smile and nod and say nothing as my girls don't need me to speak for them. Enmasse they are terrifying and its all we can do to stop one of them slapping the other, or worse. And believe me it can get a whole lot worse.

They're excitebale I've decided and needy and infantile and sometimes I just want to run away to another life. Preferably somewhere warm, with lots of those cocktails with the little umbrellas in. And a young swain who is polishing his biceps in the reflection of my sunglasses. Ah, well I am allolwed to dream!

We are all femsle, all outspoken and a couple of them have a punch that can knock out a man and often does. They are scary, serious. And when we go into meltdown it can get silly and bizarre and ridiciulous and the best fun you can ever have. We have had farting competitions in Bali and Deborah, the most lady like of us won.

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