Her Legacy Of Love

Without Prejudice

The girls and I have a pact. Every day in some way we help someone else. It's our legacy to Lauren. She loved, she laughed. she mattered, she mattered to a lot of people. Aunts Uncles, grand parents, friends, school mates. Everyone that knew her has a beautiful memory of her. That makes her special, just as she was. Lauren stood out from everyone. She was just Lauren.

And we will never stop missing her. But we have to go on living and we keep the love she had and send it out to other people. We try not to judge people. We try and go about it with a laugh and a tear sometimes. But we help others. the diaffected, the needy, the worthy. Lauren had no concept of hate and that may have been why she went to the pool that night. She trusted, she didn't think the world would harm her. it did.

So with that in mind we are very wary of others in the world. We are not idiots and sometimes in our unwisdom we make enemies. But thats Ok, we tend to be outspoken and hate injustice so we expect to get a few rocks thrown. We hurl them back of course and we also fight amongst ourselves as we are just human. We try not to be so gung ho about it now as people can live lives that to us look terrible and they are perfectly ok with it.

The only ones we can improve is ourselves. But it is still such a delight to help someone and watch them take off on their own. I don't give a shit what people say but most violent crime happens against women and kids. Its just the way it is and we could tell men a thing or two about stereotyping women and the fact that we view most men as childish and selfish. A fact most honest men attest to.

We've found if we raise the self esteem of the woman things generally improve. And for all the good men out there we aplogise for any misunderstanding. We just tend to be strong women and that is always a threat to a lot of men. My Mother was a rebel, I'm a rebel and so are all my girls. Grand daughters now too. Daughters in law and friends of all of us. We tend to be disparaging of the "Stepford Wives" we see as we know they are full of it and can't possibly be happy, not in a real way.

We believe that men and women are equal. That all human beings are equal. But it is not reality. Women are still classed as second class citizens in a world ruled by men. Women can find it depressing. Or they can fight. Fight against stereo types try and improve things. We thought without much power we couldn't help that much. But banded together we found we could move mountains and did.

We helped a woman put out on the street by her son in law and made homeless. We bypassed all the red tape and had her safely housed within 6 weeks. That was years ago now and she's still there and still happy. Alena is especially good at housing, financial help, and down to earth advice. She has a heart of gold and is very happily married.

Deb is the administrator par excellence, I of course am the brains and Yvette is the muscle. It all works in the most delightful way. We've housed, cleaned, befriended, women in trouble. We've saved a male from a life of crime and turned his whole life around in 12 months. That was a huge task, ask and there were lots of infights over that one.

But that success led to more successes, the girl we coaxed out of the ethnic family and a violent alcoholic Dad situation, that was moderately scary. Then we had to rescue kids in bad situation, help a few druggies. Not much winning there, nor against alcohol but we had a win against gambling, (sorry for the pun). All the while we boiled down our essence to what we are now. We rid ourselves of the drama and infighting and just get on with the work.

We don't have to get involved in peoples lives to help. Although in the early days we did. And we have had planty of failures too. And we learnt by them. The hard way. We had a terrible eyar last year, an annus horribilus, but this year is so much better. We have formed an incredibly strong bond my girls and I. And if we can have fun while we are doing it, we certainly do. We gossip, watch movies together, go on outings together, we shop together, we travel together and we party like loons when we get the chance and get hangovers and vomit.

My kids think their Mother is absolutely nuts and she is. But I am in a good way. I want the best for everyone. I always have and then can't understand why people can't see the answer as quickly as I do. I'm like one of those Aspergers people with all the knowledge and impatient when people don't get it right and I am anal to a degree that borders on perfectionism but I let a lot of that go now. I've promised to not yell this year, nor be as cutting. I have to just smile and act like a normal Mother and Grandmother.Oh and be patient. Still working on that one. And not showing on my face my feelings, especially if they are bad. I wish myself luck

Ha ha

Love Janette

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