Severe Depression and Aaron Swartz
Without Prejudice
Aaron Swartz died on Friday aged 26, he was a cofounder of Reddit, and had depressive episodes, high ideals and was a genius. He committed suicide. He blogged about depression in 2007, at that time just 20.
One of my girls has been hospitalised for severe depression. Yvette and I have been worried sick about her for months. She has a very Alpha hubby and we had to leave the decision to him in the end. I'm glad to say she is in hospital now and getting the help she so needs. And as of next week will begin E.C.T. Six sessions and will be in Hospital for three weeks.
My daughter has always been a happy go lucky girl. Twelve months ago she was attacked by a gang of ten women, the gang leader a former friend. Even more shocking was that the girl that Alena brought home at 14 was also hovering on the edges of the attack. Not taking part but certainly aware it was going to happen. The girl who I was the guardian to for so many years, my Foster Daughter. F.D.
When my daughter tried to get help everyone let her down, the law, the hotel, the hospital. She had broken fingers, deep scratches all over her arms and breasts, bruising, someone had tried to break a bottle over her head. It was shocking and for her it mentally scarred her more than we ever realised.
People she had been with at the Hotel backed out when it came to being witnesses. The hotel only had cameras up to the door of the ladies room where she was set on. She came out of a stall and waa washing her hands when the attack happened. She tried to defend herself but had no hope against so many. These women had attacked before and always "Got Away" with it. Dovetonites they called themselves.
My daughter was left broken and bleeding in the Ladies and called Yvette and I and we sent in the troops to find her. They searched Dandenong for her and found her at the Nu Hotel.mWe assumed she was at The Old Dandy, wrongly, so help took a while. But the troops, my Grandson Kyle and a friend found her and took her straight to the Hospital and the Police.
The Police said the case was weak for assault as her so called friends backed out and no one had actually witnessed the attack. The hotel said the same thing and a lot of so called friends backed down as I said before once the law was involved. My daughter had to "suck it up". Every time she went to do any simple task her taped fingers throbbed as a reminder. Her hubby thought she should never have befriended the ring leader in the first place.
My daughte has four children, a hard working husband, who is very much an Alpha Male and a lovely double story house. She bought her first house at 19. The women that attacked her live in ministry houses with ex con partners, and the ring leader befriended my daughter and then grew darkly jealous. We found out later she had been getting away with attacking other women for years.
She was a fantasist, a liar and charismatic. A very dangerous combination. I liked her too, she had a n ex in jail, four nice kids and seemed to be a battler who was trying to make her life better. She showered my daughter with help and gifts and friendship and it all worked. I only noticed she was perhaps not what she seemed when I went to her house. OMG I had never in my whole life seen anything like it. I offered to help clean it for the sake of her kids but she said no.
She then fell out with my daughter over a "stolen" ring that she said had been taken by my daughters 12 year old. It was all a lie and fabrication and my daughter leapt to the defence of her daughter and the friendship grew toxic. There were phone calls and Facebook messages and kids bullied at School and then months later the attack. My daughter was not a mere victim she also did and said some things in retaliation.
So months after the attck my daughter took out an AVO on the ring leader and it was a circus of rough women and kids in parms and name calling and the FD turned up for the "Other Side". I was there and I stood in front of her as she giggled with a 17 year old, FD is 36 and she cheekily re looked at me and said
The AVO was granted without preamble and the ring leader just bowed down to the Judge as all bullies do.
A few months went by and I thought my daughter was putting the whole ugly scene behind her/ One day her and I were chatting at the Supermarket and I looked up and saw the Ring Leader > R.L going past out aisle. She turned around and came down to where we were and sent both of us flying into shelves. I would have ignored her and it but she then came back to the bottom of the aisle, smirked and had her 8 year old daughter with her held by the hand. My daughter fell to pieces and called the Manager and I picked up my mobile and just called the Police.
The Police came and by that time my daughter was hysterical, crying and gasping for air. The Manager of the Supermarket had seen nothing, there was no camera on that particulat aisle, God this was De Ja Vu all over again. The kindly older Policeman took our statements and said knowing the R.L. she would deny it. Which she did, but this time we had witnesses. Two older kids of our family had seen her turn back around from where she was headed and push us.
I should have picked up then on my daughters mental state, she was entering in to dangerous territory then. No one wanted to help, the FD had turned on her, the law had let her down, her hubby was saying "Forget IT" and she alone could not. When the Police came she was shaking and crying and after our statements I took her home.
Nothing it seemed could be done, once again. The girls were still getting bullied at school, the hubby didn't want to know about it, even my Ex stepped in with helpful advice, not her Father who has not had anything to do with his daughter for 23 years in weighed in with a non helpful
"What was a Mother of 4, a married woman doing at a Pub, anyway? "
So she struggled on trying to please evryone else and the situation grew worse and worse. She took pills, they didn;t help. she was put on Methadone to get off the pills by a Doctor that said it "Saved Lives", her Hubby hated her being on it and replaced the Methadone with Cordial. And then she became listless, skinny and Catatonic. The kindly Policeman rang and The RL was sentenced to six months jail susoened for twelve months. He rang me as he couldn't get hold of my daughter.
We raced round there to tell her the news, a jail sentence, suspended for twelve was a big win. Noone had taken this bird to court before, everyone was intimidated by her. The pattern had been broken. She could not so much as breathe for 12 months or it was straight to jail. The news cam etoo late for my daughter, she was catatonic by then, skinny, she had lost 33 kilos in six months, no appetite, wanting to die and thinking of suicide every day.
She didn't even know the assault court case had been on, I mean "Pushing" two Women in a supermarket aisle hardly seemed a big crime. But, my friends, the RL breached an IVO, and would have kept on breaching it. She cornered my grand daughter of 11 one day and leaned across the seat of the car to the window,
"Faaatttttyyyyyyy" she said.
This woman is a large woman with a massive belly and torso. Enough said.
So once the jail sentence was handed down it was a big win for us, but my daughter was past it by then, she had entered into a deep depression that nothing and no one could snap her out of. And now she is in Hospital getting the help she has so needed for soooooo long. Her depression so severe she has to be shocked out of it.
She has sat on her couch like a docile couch for about a month now. Her hubby tried to make her eat and then she stopped drinking water, she wanted to die she told me, so matter of fact I was alarmed. She told her kids, she told me and she told her hubby she wanted to die. Dying would be a relief, she said, She wrote notes of suicide and planned what her hubby and four kids would do after she was gone, her youngest 5 and oldest 18.
They had also grown restless with her, the kids, nothing they could do was helping. The 18 year old moved out with her boyfriend, sick of her Mums depression and she felt that her Mum wasn't helping herself. Mum was off ALL medication, no pills, hubby thought anti depressants would make her worse. he had been told by a Doctor, he said, that they were causing the suicidal thoughts.
So now she is where she needs to be, getting the help she needs to have. I tried to step in weeks ago but angry Hubby shooed me away, he was going through his own turmoil and stress with 2 family members dying in quick succession and he being the oldest Male in the Family of Maoris expected to be
"Strong" "Staunch", they call it in the Maori Culture.
He hung up on me on the phone and I meesa
messaged him and said I would leave it to him. I said she had to be in Hospital and she had to have anti depressant medication. He wanted her to have no more pills and I can't blame him for that.
But Yvette and I remained concerned. Yvette can be feisty but she also said ,
He will not let her die Mum, he will get help for her, he adores her"
But she said that and then went to the Family Doctor who has known our Family for 40 odd years and she told him everything and he said that the Hubby was to ring him ASAP,
I don't tell this sad tale to sensationalise it. My daughter has had a sadder than most life. The death of her sister, the attack, the loss of friends. She decided to enrol in a course in early 2012 before she became depressed and the FD was in the same class and humiliated her in front of the Teacher and class. Do not ask me why the FD acts like this, I absolutley hate her now. She poced around in Class, said whe was the Teachers Pet, said her lover was turned on by her being a Schoolgirl at 36. My daughter left the course which disappointed her but she also could not stand the FD, the girl she gave a home to when her own sister had died,
The FD was also bashed by the same gang of women and my daighter had forgiven her at that time and so did I. But some people are just born eveil and can't be helped. Her damage was already done before she came to us. She became a heroin user for years and told gullible boyfriend we had put her on drugs !
More fool he, I can only hope they end up together for life and live miserably.
So as I said I don't tell this sad tale to sensationalise or ask for help. It is what it is and I will be seeing my child today in the Hospital and I will love her and care for her the rest of her life. She desreves it. She has gone from a happy woman to an unhappy and depressed one and she will go back to being the beautiful happy woman she always has been. I tell this tale to make others aware of the dangers of depression and how cries for help go unheard for far too long in this crazy topsy turvy world we live in.
Love Janette
Aaron Swartz died on Friday aged 26, he was a cofounder of Reddit, and had depressive episodes, high ideals and was a genius. He committed suicide. He blogged about depression in 2007, at that time just 20.
One of my girls has been hospitalised for severe depression. Yvette and I have been worried sick about her for months. She has a very Alpha hubby and we had to leave the decision to him in the end. I'm glad to say she is in hospital now and getting the help she so needs. And as of next week will begin E.C.T. Six sessions and will be in Hospital for three weeks.
My daughter has always been a happy go lucky girl. Twelve months ago she was attacked by a gang of ten women, the gang leader a former friend. Even more shocking was that the girl that Alena brought home at 14 was also hovering on the edges of the attack. Not taking part but certainly aware it was going to happen. The girl who I was the guardian to for so many years, my Foster Daughter. F.D.
When my daughter tried to get help everyone let her down, the law, the hotel, the hospital. She had broken fingers, deep scratches all over her arms and breasts, bruising, someone had tried to break a bottle over her head. It was shocking and for her it mentally scarred her more than we ever realised.
People she had been with at the Hotel backed out when it came to being witnesses. The hotel only had cameras up to the door of the ladies room where she was set on. She came out of a stall and waa washing her hands when the attack happened. She tried to defend herself but had no hope against so many. These women had attacked before and always "Got Away" with it. Dovetonites they called themselves.
My daughter was left broken and bleeding in the Ladies and called Yvette and I and we sent in the troops to find her. They searched Dandenong for her and found her at the Nu Hotel.mWe assumed she was at The Old Dandy, wrongly, so help took a while. But the troops, my Grandson Kyle and a friend found her and took her straight to the Hospital and the Police.
The Police said the case was weak for assault as her so called friends backed out and no one had actually witnessed the attack. The hotel said the same thing and a lot of so called friends backed down as I said before once the law was involved. My daughter had to "suck it up". Every time she went to do any simple task her taped fingers throbbed as a reminder. Her hubby thought she should never have befriended the ring leader in the first place.
My daughte has four children, a hard working husband, who is very much an Alpha Male and a lovely double story house. She bought her first house at 19. The women that attacked her live in ministry houses with ex con partners, and the ring leader befriended my daughter and then grew darkly jealous. We found out later she had been getting away with attacking other women for years.
She was a fantasist, a liar and charismatic. A very dangerous combination. I liked her too, she had a n ex in jail, four nice kids and seemed to be a battler who was trying to make her life better. She showered my daughter with help and gifts and friendship and it all worked. I only noticed she was perhaps not what she seemed when I went to her house. OMG I had never in my whole life seen anything like it. I offered to help clean it for the sake of her kids but she said no.
She then fell out with my daughter over a "stolen" ring that she said had been taken by my daughters 12 year old. It was all a lie and fabrication and my daughter leapt to the defence of her daughter and the friendship grew toxic. There were phone calls and Facebook messages and kids bullied at School and then months later the attack. My daughter was not a mere victim she also did and said some things in retaliation.
So months after the attck my daughter took out an AVO on the ring leader and it was a circus of rough women and kids in parms and name calling and the FD turned up for the "Other Side". I was there and I stood in front of her as she giggled with a 17 year old, FD is 36 and she cheekily re looked at me and said
The AVO was granted without preamble and the ring leader just bowed down to the Judge as all bullies do.
A few months went by and I thought my daughter was putting the whole ugly scene behind her/ One day her and I were chatting at the Supermarket and I looked up and saw the Ring Leader > R.L going past out aisle. She turned around and came down to where we were and sent both of us flying into shelves. I would have ignored her and it but she then came back to the bottom of the aisle, smirked and had her 8 year old daughter with her held by the hand. My daughter fell to pieces and called the Manager and I picked up my mobile and just called the Police.
The Police came and by that time my daughter was hysterical, crying and gasping for air. The Manager of the Supermarket had seen nothing, there was no camera on that particulat aisle, God this was De Ja Vu all over again. The kindly older Policeman took our statements and said knowing the R.L. she would deny it. Which she did, but this time we had witnesses. Two older kids of our family had seen her turn back around from where she was headed and push us.
I should have picked up then on my daughters mental state, she was entering in to dangerous territory then. No one wanted to help, the FD had turned on her, the law had let her down, her hubby was saying "Forget IT" and she alone could not. When the Police came she was shaking and crying and after our statements I took her home.
Nothing it seemed could be done, once again. The girls were still getting bullied at school, the hubby didn't want to know about it, even my Ex stepped in with helpful advice, not her Father who has not had anything to do with his daughter for 23 years in weighed in with a non helpful
"What was a Mother of 4, a married woman doing at a Pub, anyway? "
So she struggled on trying to please evryone else and the situation grew worse and worse. She took pills, they didn;t help. she was put on Methadone to get off the pills by a Doctor that said it "Saved Lives", her Hubby hated her being on it and replaced the Methadone with Cordial. And then she became listless, skinny and Catatonic. The kindly Policeman rang and The RL was sentenced to six months jail susoened for twelve months. He rang me as he couldn't get hold of my daughter.
We raced round there to tell her the news, a jail sentence, suspended for twelve was a big win. Noone had taken this bird to court before, everyone was intimidated by her. The pattern had been broken. She could not so much as breathe for 12 months or it was straight to jail. The news cam etoo late for my daughter, she was catatonic by then, skinny, she had lost 33 kilos in six months, no appetite, wanting to die and thinking of suicide every day.
She didn't even know the assault court case had been on, I mean "Pushing" two Women in a supermarket aisle hardly seemed a big crime. But, my friends, the RL breached an IVO, and would have kept on breaching it. She cornered my grand daughter of 11 one day and leaned across the seat of the car to the window,
"Faaatttttyyyyyyy" she said.
This woman is a large woman with a massive belly and torso. Enough said.
So once the jail sentence was handed down it was a big win for us, but my daughter was past it by then, she had entered into a deep depression that nothing and no one could snap her out of. And now she is in Hospital getting the help she has so needed for soooooo long. Her depression so severe she has to be shocked out of it.
She has sat on her couch like a docile couch for about a month now. Her hubby tried to make her eat and then she stopped drinking water, she wanted to die she told me, so matter of fact I was alarmed. She told her kids, she told me and she told her hubby she wanted to die. Dying would be a relief, she said, She wrote notes of suicide and planned what her hubby and four kids would do after she was gone, her youngest 5 and oldest 18.
They had also grown restless with her, the kids, nothing they could do was helping. The 18 year old moved out with her boyfriend, sick of her Mums depression and she felt that her Mum wasn't helping herself. Mum was off ALL medication, no pills, hubby thought anti depressants would make her worse. he had been told by a Doctor, he said, that they were causing the suicidal thoughts.
So now she is where she needs to be, getting the help she needs to have. I tried to step in weeks ago but angry Hubby shooed me away, he was going through his own turmoil and stress with 2 family members dying in quick succession and he being the oldest Male in the Family of Maoris expected to be
"Strong" "Staunch", they call it in the Maori Culture.
He hung up on me on the phone and I meesa
messaged him and said I would leave it to him. I said she had to be in Hospital and she had to have anti depressant medication. He wanted her to have no more pills and I can't blame him for that.
But Yvette and I remained concerned. Yvette can be feisty but she also said ,
He will not let her die Mum, he will get help for her, he adores her"
But she said that and then went to the Family Doctor who has known our Family for 40 odd years and she told him everything and he said that the Hubby was to ring him ASAP,
I don't tell this sad tale to sensationalise it. My daughter has had a sadder than most life. The death of her sister, the attack, the loss of friends. She decided to enrol in a course in early 2012 before she became depressed and the FD was in the same class and humiliated her in front of the Teacher and class. Do not ask me why the FD acts like this, I absolutley hate her now. She poced around in Class, said whe was the Teachers Pet, said her lover was turned on by her being a Schoolgirl at 36. My daughter left the course which disappointed her but she also could not stand the FD, the girl she gave a home to when her own sister had died,
The FD was also bashed by the same gang of women and my daighter had forgiven her at that time and so did I. But some people are just born eveil and can't be helped. Her damage was already done before she came to us. She became a heroin user for years and told gullible boyfriend we had put her on drugs !
More fool he, I can only hope they end up together for life and live miserably.
So as I said I don't tell this sad tale to sensationalise or ask for help. It is what it is and I will be seeing my child today in the Hospital and I will love her and care for her the rest of her life. She desreves it. She has gone from a happy woman to an unhappy and depressed one and she will go back to being the beautiful happy woman she always has been. I tell this tale to make others aware of the dangers of depression and how cries for help go unheard for far too long in this crazy topsy turvy world we live in.
Love Janette