Better than Sex

Without Prejudice

Helping other people is the ultimate satisfaction, there is no feeling like it. It's better than sex as Orgasm lasts what 30 seconds. Helping someone else can last a lifetime. It's better than money, I have had lots of money. I found it could be taken from me. Cars and furniture and all the luxuries of life I love. Great perfumes and holidays and fur coats. Gold necklaces, dishwashers, air conditioning. In ground swimming pool, sauna, spa, a Ferrari in the driveway and Joy perfume on wrist and knee.

I was glad to have it then and I still think it's better to be rich and miserable than poor and miserable. But there comes a time in your life when "things" don't matter so much. It's a senior moment I am sure as I can now say I am a grown up and in my second childhood. I play the Angels and still head bang to Metallica. I can read Doestvsky, and 50 shades of Grey, which I know I wouldn't like, so I don't.

I'm no Superwoman, I cry and laugh with equal measure but one thing I find I do have is an amazing ability to love. And help. I'm a practical Virgo that means I fret over details and am anally cleaning all the time. Nervous tension, great way to work off anger and frustration. But when I help someone and it comes back to me, that feeling is very satisfying.

Today I heard from an old Student of mine. I used to take care of International students and always tried to make it fun and interesting although ultimately I missed having a Family.

P. came to me as a short term staying student, who was working as well and was in Australia to meet up with a Professor. He was dark haired and good looking, wiry and strong. I asked him if he had a girlfriend.
"No...... boyfriend", he said, with a cheeky aplomb and I laughed at his candour and his pride in being able to announce it.
"Good", I replied and drove him home to the hot suburb of Noble Park.

He baceme my most fantastic boarder as he cooked. and cooked. Beautiful Thai feasts of fried pasta and stir fry's. He was amazing, clean, cooked, told me what to wear and I took him everywhere with me. He was so curious about Australia and Melbourne. We invited him along to familt parties and outings and he "fitted" in.

He was shy and funny and sad, very sad. In his country Homosexuality is outlawed. Not a word can leak out to his job, his family, or even friends. The whole process has to go underground. He has a lover of 8 years in his homeland. But the parents of that boy could never ever find out their son was gay as the Father is likely to kill P. as the boyfriend.

An idea that seems so bizarre in Australia I actually laughed out loud in disbelief when He told me. I said what about the lady boys, and he said they are allowed as they are classed as entertainment. He siad his job was long boring hard work but he had to do it as he had to "Rise Up". It was miles from where he lived and he worked 15 hour days with travel every day.

I was shocked, it sounded like servitude. He lived quietly with his Brother and Wife, but they lived a long way from his work. I asked him to fold his hands and he was a male, left thumb over hand and I was a female as I folded right thumb over. My foster daughter, the untrustworthy one, showed same as a male. I don't know why that surprised me. But P thought as a male but was homosexual.

So he told me all the secrets about "maledom" and I told him of women. He was just such fun, always affable and sad only when he spoke of his situation. So my big noisy family just swallowed him up. Everyone was curious and inviting him to parties and he lapped up the idea that he didn't have to hide hs sexuality.

He became a friend on Facebook and I contacted him every so often and Yesterday I asked when he would be coming back to Australia. He said he was so touched I offered him a place to stay if he ever gets back here. He replied that he was at work and after my email he went in and calmly resigned from his job. He had had enough. One gesture from me of friendship and acceptance and he was gone.

I hope he gets back here one day and he will always be welcomed by us. A sweet gentle man that has a right to lead his life in any way he wants. And isn't that what we all want


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