One Week Of Partying and a Death
Without Prejudice
How do I feel after a week of partying for my Milestone birthday ? Wonderful, of course. I've received a lot of bouquets and one brickbat, but you have to expect that. The rough with the smooth. I usually hate fuss and attention but this time I welcomed it all with open arms. Lots of kisses and hugs and mud, we always have a lot of mud, when the 2 little terrorists are around. We just let them and clean up later.
There was giggling dancing to The SOS band, "Just Be Good To Me", dressing up like Princesses and wearing crowns. Chardy and fun, girly, kids fun. Music and happiness. Then we get a disgruntled male personage that just had to spoil it. men get jelly when women get too happy without them. They like to take ownership. We ignore bad boys in need of a Nanny nap.
Of course later he's sorry, but he knows he has been a prick. He says in the end ,
"No Kiss then??" and I slam the door on him. Jesus, sometimes men want to steal all your fun, but then men are selfish like that. It has to be all about them. I don't care he can't spoil my fun, I deserve this time of celebration and I'm not going to be what anyone else thinks I should be.
I've given birth to 4 babies. I've raised other peoples kids. I've put up with a lot and worked incredibly hard to have my life the way I want. I am so proud of what I have achieved at this Milestone Birthday. My girls are grown women and have come through with banners flying. I love them and they love me. My Grand kids are fantastic kids and I love them all.
They know to come to me for problems and help with homework and boyfriend and girlfriend problems. People come to me for other problems and all my old girlfriends call me their clever friend.
" Janette, will know," they always say. I read a lot and have a photographic memory, so solving problems comes easy to me.
I can be hypercritical because of that and I am trying to be more patient. I think I'm right and that can be a pain. I am a woman as well so have high intuition and know when things donn't "Feel right". I am a depressive in Winter as well so I can understand melancholy better than most too. Had a Mother with mental illness and felt so desperately sorry for her a lot of the time.
Sylvia one of my oldest friends has just returned from Slovenia after a month in her Homeland. She's 7 years older than me and has been around since I was 20. She brings me a beautiful Italian Leather Handbag bought in Italy and some very sad news. Her ex Partner John hung himself only 2 weeks ago,
The news is so unexpected and shocking that I cry out! And hug her to me and say, "No". He was an alcoholic and she stayed with him 9 years in which time he was sober. But he had to start drinking again for some reason, said he "missed" it and she and him split up. He was sooooo very good to her in many ways and so very bad.
He was violent to her and she finally understood what it was like for me. She spent nights in her car, sleeping. He when sober was a lovely quiet man, watched soccer all the time, played it, worked and had a real life for a while. But the drink wouldn't give up on him and it "got" him in the end. He had a great life with Syl. They smoked their own meats, they grew their own food, she worked hard and he worked hard.
But it was never to be. He lost everything over the last few years, his job being the worst loss, I guess. He left a note, had enough of living, every woman had left him, eventually, even the Philipino he had ended up with. The house went, his car went, and he had too much money to be apply for subsidised housing. Poor man, I feel so sad for him, but alcoholics seem to have that death wish, always.
R.I.P. John, May You At Last Be At Peace xxxx
P.S I saw him one time after he and my friend, had split up. She was hurting and thought that he didn't care, had never loved her and he had let her down. He was so gentlemanly and courteous to me and so nice about his failed relationship. He said to tell her he would always love her and he loaded a slab of beer into his boot, with a bottle of whisky, chaser.
And he was gone. And when I told my friend, she said,
How do I feel after a week of partying for my Milestone birthday ? Wonderful, of course. I've received a lot of bouquets and one brickbat, but you have to expect that. The rough with the smooth. I usually hate fuss and attention but this time I welcomed it all with open arms. Lots of kisses and hugs and mud, we always have a lot of mud, when the 2 little terrorists are around. We just let them and clean up later.
There was giggling dancing to The SOS band, "Just Be Good To Me", dressing up like Princesses and wearing crowns. Chardy and fun, girly, kids fun. Music and happiness. Then we get a disgruntled male personage that just had to spoil it. men get jelly when women get too happy without them. They like to take ownership. We ignore bad boys in need of a Nanny nap.
Of course later he's sorry, but he knows he has been a prick. He says in the end ,
"No Kiss then??" and I slam the door on him. Jesus, sometimes men want to steal all your fun, but then men are selfish like that. It has to be all about them. I don't care he can't spoil my fun, I deserve this time of celebration and I'm not going to be what anyone else thinks I should be.
I've given birth to 4 babies. I've raised other peoples kids. I've put up with a lot and worked incredibly hard to have my life the way I want. I am so proud of what I have achieved at this Milestone Birthday. My girls are grown women and have come through with banners flying. I love them and they love me. My Grand kids are fantastic kids and I love them all.
They know to come to me for problems and help with homework and boyfriend and girlfriend problems. People come to me for other problems and all my old girlfriends call me their clever friend.
" Janette, will know," they always say. I read a lot and have a photographic memory, so solving problems comes easy to me.
I can be hypercritical because of that and I am trying to be more patient. I think I'm right and that can be a pain. I am a woman as well so have high intuition and know when things donn't "Feel right". I am a depressive in Winter as well so I can understand melancholy better than most too. Had a Mother with mental illness and felt so desperately sorry for her a lot of the time.
Sylvia one of my oldest friends has just returned from Slovenia after a month in her Homeland. She's 7 years older than me and has been around since I was 20. She brings me a beautiful Italian Leather Handbag bought in Italy and some very sad news. Her ex Partner John hung himself only 2 weeks ago,
The news is so unexpected and shocking that I cry out! And hug her to me and say, "No". He was an alcoholic and she stayed with him 9 years in which time he was sober. But he had to start drinking again for some reason, said he "missed" it and she and him split up. He was sooooo very good to her in many ways and so very bad.
He was violent to her and she finally understood what it was like for me. She spent nights in her car, sleeping. He when sober was a lovely quiet man, watched soccer all the time, played it, worked and had a real life for a while. But the drink wouldn't give up on him and it "got" him in the end. He had a great life with Syl. They smoked their own meats, they grew their own food, she worked hard and he worked hard.
But it was never to be. He lost everything over the last few years, his job being the worst loss, I guess. He left a note, had enough of living, every woman had left him, eventually, even the Philipino he had ended up with. The house went, his car went, and he had too much money to be apply for subsidised housing. Poor man, I feel so sad for him, but alcoholics seem to have that death wish, always.
R.I.P. John, May You At Last Be At Peace xxxx
P.S I saw him one time after he and my friend, had split up. She was hurting and thought that he didn't care, had never loved her and he had let her down. He was so gentlemanly and courteous to me and so nice about his failed relationship. He said to tell her he would always love her and he loaded a slab of beer into his boot, with a bottle of whisky, chaser.
And he was gone. And when I told my friend, she said,