The Clan, Less One

Without Prejudice

Horrible day yesterday. Shouldn't have had to happen but now it is all over. It's a bit sad that my daughter A had to take out a restraining order on her own Foster Sister and her controlling boyfriend.

I was saddened that it had come to this and so was A. But we have had enough of the spite. We are a big family, a clan of people that like to help others, that's part of who we are. My foster daughter wanted to come into our family. Her Mother had died, my daughter had died and it seemed the right thing to do at the time.

My foster daughter had a family that lived close by, but the Dad was war affected and not well mentally. I was told by the Social Worker, Prue, That M had been sleeping from friends house to friends house. She'd been in trouble a little but no big deal and A especially needed a "little Sis" to hang around with. And even though cheeky and arrogant we all accepted her as she liked to buy presents and make everyone happy.

Twenty four years this November she's been hanging around the family and now she is never happy and certainly not with us. I saw her yesterday and I was sad for her. Sad for the friendships she had developed with my grand daughters T and T. They are nice young girls of 12 and nearly 14 and they loved going to her house and playing with M's two boys.

M is for some reason addicted to controlling men. Her first hubby was like it, not affable like my two son in laws and trying to get along with the family. Always hard on the newcomer, I know, to fit in with an established family. But he didn't try, he thought he was too good for us and so has the 2nd one.

They are the sort of men that call women names. I certainly don't want that sort of future for a girl I took in at 13. But she was fair, she didn't contest the twelve month restraining order. He did of coures, I would expect nothing less. He wants her all to himself, not realising that isolating her is just going to make her balk. M is old enough to listen to herself.

He's supposed to be so nice to her and yet he calls her names. He's been separated for 4 years but is still stuck in that angry phase against his ex. It is understandable that he is allowed to be bitter against women for 12 months then he needs to get over it. Men HATE losing money and their house and all that. Men are obtuse like that but then enough !

He tried to frighten me this year. My very generous brother G took us out for Xmas catch up.  And M forced him on us at the last minute. So I said Ok, clean slate, Xmas and all that. So he behaved around family and friends and as soon as everyone was gone he turned on me in the back seat of the car. I was a this and that, stuff that goes in one ear and out the other, except he was driving at like 200 km an hour.

Trying to scare me and ended up scaring M and I. He's done it before with just her in the car and she came back terrified. Maybe she wants him to show that sort of "bad boy" behaviour and think it's him showing his protective love for her. Yeah right !

I've come across so many men like him before. I can tell them from the first minute. When I first met him he was sullen and rude and I knew then. He doesn't like any of her family or friends. He allows her to have one, that he approves of.

But I saw her actions at court yesterday, they weren't the actions of a happy Woman. She was in a dress that he picked out and no one liked it. It didn't suit her and last seasons boots, M is usually up on trends. She usually wears what she likes. Her hair was oily and unkempt. It wasn't the happy bubbly girl she has been up to now.

M always thinks she misses out but she doesn't. She's just a whinge, nothing ever is good enough. And when a woman is unhappy it shows to other females. She saw T there, (her favourite Girl of the Family) T and M had a really strong connection. T is like a substitute daughter to M. Played at her house with M's boys. Helped her. T cried this morning as she is disappointed too.

Ah well, not much we can do until she sees through the controlling one and we won't help her even if she did turn back towards the family. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind and she has to sort it all out herself. No one likes him, so what does that tell you. It tells you
"Every one is out of step, except for Freddie!!!"
Thats a saying from my Mum, meaning every adoring Mum stands to one side of a marching army platoon and thinks if her son is out of step that he's right and everyone else is wrong.

If no one likes him it's for a reason. He puts people offside. He needs Anger Management. But he won't go.

Anyway enough about shitheads, everyone has them and we have a couple. If they don't play by the rules in a Big Family they get shunned. "Shined Off", we don't care how they try to appeal after that, we've had enough. We don't need graffitti on our driveway, hoons racing up and down the street, grow up, you are a 40 year old, go and annoy someone else.

I am disappointed in M, I thought she had more "spunk" than that. She always has had up to now. A brothers suicide, a sisters cancer struggle, two siblings with mental issues, all of that she coped with and now she thinks she belongs wholey and solely to this man. And I have no doubt she loves him and he her, so shouldn't that be a wondersul, happy, giddy time.

That you are running around your family and friends to show off your ring. I always thought it should be like that. But No, we get the graffiti in the driveway, we get the insults and the threats, kids threatened by him. Well Y says,
"Wait till he's telling HER  kids off.  He ain't paying her rent, bet she's still struggling to pay bills and all the rest.

" Only husbands cut your grass ", so my friend Laure says. "Boyfriends just don't. "

I believe he is still married in name only. She wants another baby, well here we are 4 years down the trck and no wedding or baby on the near horizon as far as we can see. What happened to the Alpha Female that we used to know, did she think she "got it" wrong last time and can't stand another failure. Suck it up Honey, we've all been there.

The doctor told us all we make the same mistakes because we tend to be attracted to the same type. And that could be because of one of our parents. Monkey see, Monkey do. I wonder who in her original family was going bald, slight in figure, used to be a pretty boy and ends up swearing and abusing her ???? One of her brothers ?????? Dad ???????

And I guess that's as good an answer as any. Even men admit women are much nicer than men, so why is he telling her off ??????? And more importantly why is she allowing it ?????

We done with her and she will never ever be allowed back near this Family, ever or next time we call the cops and have her arrested. And she took out a spiteful order on Y and I twelve months ago. We ripped them up and din't go. We don't have to fight with M. A helped her get off heroin years ago, Y saved her from an overdose , after her fiance, said he had slept with M. He was on drugs at the time too, they used to do heroin together. They lost Y's house for her.

So Y don't like her and neither does A or D or me. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. My family don't trust ex junkies, but I will be turning up for the court case and telling the truth and nothing but the truth. Who she slept with, who she did drugs with, the armed robber she chose, not us. The abortion, the old haunts that she hates like the Coles Car Park at Noble Park that reminds her to this day of "shooting Up" days.

And that Lauren's best friend Kerry is with a nice guy and is pregnant. She tried to split us all apart with her lies and filfth but she will never win against us. We are too many and know the truth and we can call on a hundred witnesses to prove it. And you know what I would love to see her in Court, it will be enlightening. Sure Simon and Kyle and Chris Beach have a few things to say

And A and me and Y and D and B, and set the record staright, she shouldn't have to lie to current, he should know everything, don't you think ??????

Y should not have called her fat. some girls just can't handle it when they are unhappy and drank and eaten to comfort themselves . Y likes it that M thinks she is the same size as she is, don't think so !!!!!! Y has always been size 0 and you'rer what a 12 ?????

Love Janette

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