All Human Evil

Without Prejudice

All human Evil comes from a single cause, Mans inability to sit still in a room...

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Christian philosopher. He was a child prodigy who was educated by his father, a tax collector in Roehn.

Such a strange statement, one that I never realised till now. But true. Are they restless, feel guilty doing nothing, can't he read a book or do the washing up.?

Men !

All human evil, sounds a bit generalised, doesn't it ?

But I am reminded if this today as the murderer of Jill Meagher, Adrian Bayley, gets locked away for life. Charles Saatchi, billionaire husband of Nigella Lawson, chef, finally says he is guilty of choking his wife, after saying, not guilty, same as Adrian Bayley. They both pleaded not guilty, then changed to guilty when faced with overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Why do Men lie ? They think it's easier, that's why. They do, I have spoken to lots of men and they think it's easier to tell a lie than to tell the truth. But the truth comes out eventually. And for psychopaths like Bayley, he is only sorry that he was caught, he had no remorse for the woman he raped and murdered.

Then, our fashion icons, Dolce and Gabanna, are sent to jail for tax evasion, 182 million. Big money, big crime.

And all this on the day, this day of lots of bad news, Tony from the Sopranos died, as well aged 51. The actor, James Gandolfini. such a good actor and 51 is so young, heart attack, I heard.

And On this day, I decide I will do all the outside jobs at the house of seven dwarves and the neighbour nazi is home. He usually works five days a week, but today he must have an RDO or something. He's soooooo annoying on his days off. And I am reminded of the not being able to sit quietly in a room.

I am not bothered while I am working, at his noise, but the minute I go inside, he's at it. I sit filthy dirty trying to wash hands, have lunch, and he starts. First the revving of the boat engine, that goes on for at least an hour and intermittently all day, alternated with the revving of his motor bike. Great.

Then as I plant a garden, he's up on the roof hammering something, bang bang bang. Loudly. He looks as though he's inspecting the solar panels and I can sense him watching me as I plant mint, lavender, wisteria, jasmine and passion fruit. I pretend I can't see him.

Then he starts up the mower, and that happens every week, his grass must be as short as his hair, which is Army short. I think he wishes he was in the Army like his son. He used to be the Boss of the neighbourhood, or he thought he was, till the Missus left him, saying he was Bi Polar.

He would complain about us to us, the dog, who is dead now, the kids, the garden, the rubbish. And then his Missus left him and took the baby. It wasnt his, he said. They had been trying with IVF and he went to Adelaide for 10 weeks and she was pregnant when he arrived back home. A.I. He said, I think that cut him up.

He had three sons, one committed suicide two years ago, hung himself, drugs, he said. But that was the fault of his ex wife, one of his two ex wives, he admitted. I thought he had been married once but he enlightened me different when he was a bit tipsy after a Collingwood win.

I called him a grumpy old man, once.  He's younger than me, and ever since then it's like he is my biggest bestest buddy, big ears. If I put my bins out, he chooses that time to put his bins out. If I weed out the front, he weeds out the front. I usually pretend I don't see him. I think he's lonely. But that's his fault. He didnt get counselling after his Sons suicide, and he should have.

So, the Missus told me, anyway. She was a timid little thing, timid that is till the baby turned one and then she was gone. I saw her Mothers Day and she was crying. I gave her a hug and said she was doing a great job. She was a first time Mum at 42 and was struggling. Beautiful little baby boy.

"He's bi polar, you know " she blurted out, apropos of nothing. She indicated inside the house to her hidden hubby.

And then she was gone.

I didn't even know till he approached me one day and blurted out she had left him. And wasnt coming back. Ever. He missed the little boy he said, even though it wasnt his. She was never to be mentioned again in his presence, he made that very clear,  I just sort of smiled and said nothing. It was all her fault, he said, I just kept shtum.

He had a new bird he told me, once, someone far away, which suits him fine. She's deeply spiritual like him, he said. I saw her a few times, spent the weekend staying over every so often, haven't seen her for months, now. He walked around with a big smile then and a big chest puffed out.

Well he's back, revving all his engines, niw, hammering and banging

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