
Without Prejudice

Now that I have your attention, sex being a great attention grabber I have a question to ask.

When is this violence against women going to stop ?

If you are a male and hate women get some help. You have sisters, a mother, daughters, nieces,

Would you like them to be attacked ?

One in three

One in three women in the world today are likely to be sexually or physically attacked and do you know why ?

Mans biggest fear is being rejected by a female.

Women's biggest fear is being hit.

That makes for attacker and victim.

We should have massive campaigns, huge billboards that state, it's not O.K. To hurt women.

And women should be made aware how to defend themselves, for free.

We are equal in our humanity. Women are not second class citizens. But we are treated as such. Men get much more than us money wise. Why ?

Are we not just as intelligent ? Hard working ?

We've been conditioned to be quiet, to be nice, un ambitious, good little girls.

The weaker sex, the little woman, we shrink down to be accepted.

I live with 7 males and they tell me their male attitudes. I have three brothers, ditto.

In the seventies the women stopped having sex until men changed things, things soon changed. It's time for change, it's time for protest. Jill Meagher did not die in vain. She became a spearhead to protest. Does it take a woman to die to shake us out of complacency ?

We have to change social attitudes, we have to protest at the alarming, increasing violence against women. How many millionaire single mothers do you know ? And yet to popularise herself our PM cuts benefits to single Mothers. Why ?

Single mothers do it tough as it is. And they are bringing up the future tax payers. Give them a break. No one goes out to have kids in the hope of becoming a millionaire. There is still the attitude here inAustralia  that any support, alimony given to a single woman goes on her and not the kids. What a load of crock.

I know of no single mother that is spending money on herself before her children. Women will go without and the money goes on the kids. Men need to change attitudes about women. A lot of their attitude is to do with just sheer jealousy. If he can't have her, no one else will. Grow the fuck up.,

Women these days are crying less and swearing more.

It's time, it's time for change and it's time for protest.

Why are there not more women in Government ? Fifty percent women, fifty percent men. Is that not a balance we deserve.

On the ad for make up, a woman says I deserve it.

A male I was in the vicinity of, said, and I quote,

" No you don't, you slut "

Until these attitudes change, violence against women will go in, hidden mostly. Only 17 percent of domestic violence is ever reported. 17 percent. Think of that figure and think of your daughter, sister, Mother, would you allow her to be hurt.

Of course not, you would fight with every thing you have to nit let that happen, but as seen in the high profile case of Nigella Lawson, it can happen to any woman. And he eventually pleaded guilty, that husband of hers. Imagine what she has been putting up with in silence up to now.

It has to stop. It has to be addressed. It has to come down from the top. To ridicule our PM personally just because she is a woman is disgusting. Big thighs, small breasts, red box. It's terrible. Would we talk about a man like that, Tony Abbott, and he's a bullying little toad, would we say, saggy bum, small dick, hairy arse.

It's time to put things right,

Love Janette

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