The Skinny Girls Club----No Fat Kids Allowed

Without Prejudice

Kyle, my oldest Grandson with his beautiful boy, Andrej

Spoke to the fat phobic child the other morning, Yvette. Jai, her number four son of seven boys seemed to have a voracious appetite at 15. He could never seem to get enough food in him. Pies, pasta, dim sims, fish and chips, what the boys call "Real Food". Yvette and I had discussed it at length some time ago. Yvette hates cooking and all her boys have been brought up on a steady diet of pretty much fast food. McDonalds, K.F.C. Subway, Red Rooster, and surprisingly they are all lean and tall now the older ones are turning into Men.

Kyle the oldest is 23 and at 16 was concerned enough about his leanness that he insisted I take him to the Doctors about it. He has the longest leanest torso and legs of any boy I had ever seen. Matched only, perhaps, by an Indian boy teenager as depicted in Slumdog Millionaire. The Indian boy teen can be it seems, at the point of emaciation, and yet still healthy.

The Doctor weighed him, took measurements, asked him all sorts of questions. I looked after Kyle at that time and I swear his jaws never stopped moving, not talking,    eating. Every time I came home from work he was there crunching on something. My jaw ached watching him. However, surprisingly, he crunched mainly on, salad and apples. His Mother has never eaten salad in her life, hates it and yet! Kyle's  favourite meal was a bowl of salad with French dressing.

He also loved his "Real Food", dim sims, pies, breast tenders and Maccas. Nothing for him to Hoover down two Big Macs at one sitting with chips, sauce and a Sundae. Never gained an ounce. Not one. I was fat back then and would sit with him eating a cheeseburger without the bun and sipping on a Diet Coke. He would be opposite me with his massive meal that he ate so quickly I would look up and it was gone.

"What is wrong with this picture? " I thought at the time.
Me, so chubby eating low fat,  and him so thin with his fat carb laden meal.

The Doctor asked Kyle about his parents,
"Thin ? " he asked.
"Thin " Kyle nodded.
"Genetic", the Doctor affirmed.
Kyle asked if he worked out would things change. The Doctor said probably not and looked Kyle straight in the eye.
"Don't bother with steroids, even if you are tempted"

Kyle looked slightly guilty and slightly desperate, he hated being thin with a passion or so he thought. It was not unusual for him to wear several pairs of Tracky Dacks at once to make himself appear larger.

The Doctor went on,

"Come back in a few years and I bet it's not one of your worries, then, in fact come back to me as a 50 year old and worried about your beer belly. " and he, the Doctor a fifty year old, laughed. He patted his own slight stomach.
"Running" , he said, "and skinny parents. "

Kyle laughed.
So did I.
" His parents don't make one normal human being put together" , I remarked,
"And I mean that literally and figuratively"
We all laughed out loud, all. Tension on the part of Kyle, dissipated. He was normal. It was the way it was and he was doing nothing wrong but being himself.

He knew his parents were intensely skinny people.

So back to Jai, he who was eating for Australia. It wasn't suiting him as all his weight was starting to give him a stomach and he hated it at 15. I didn't see him in our communal garden till this week.

He was saddling up the slothy husky to take her for a walk. She has also become a bit hefty.
He disappeared out the gate in a hurry as Kayko wanted out, now! To the park.

Yvette came outside,

"Turns out he's allergic to milk, Mum" she began.

I had looked at him earlier and said to him,

" You look good, Jai"  I could tell he had trimmed up.

I mentioned that to Yvette,

" Yes, I took him off dairy after the Doctor told me , he's lactose intolerant like me."

"More like fat intolerant" , I thought,

"And" , she said straight after,

"I'm not having a fat kid, you know me, Mum"

And that I do, dear daughter, that I do.

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