The Fat Controller

Without Prejudice

He'll be reading this the minute I write it, the Fat Controller, well he's not fat but he is a controller. He call his "girlfriend", smelly, slut, dumb, fat, you name it he has called her it and me and any other "Woman" that gets in his way.

He must have been a rejected child but if my silly FD doesn't want to see it there's not a lot you can do. He vets her friends, her Family is fucked, you know the drill. And if she ever tries to break up with him he comes on ten times stronger. He's a bully, and she will end up just with him, and that's the way it should be if she thinks thats love.

That's not love, thats control. I don't know anyone that likes him. I mean shouldn't he have childhood friends ? Shouldn't he have a close loving relationship with Family ? He is so darkly possessive he is sick, really sick. He works at a large Hardware Chain as a State Manager, this impresses my FD as she was once on the streets and on Heroin and Speed.

I had to take her for Aids tests and Hep C when she first came off drugs. She's vunerable, he knows it and in he swoops. His wife was not sad to see the back of him. She got a new boyfriend FC went round there with a baseball bat to scare boyfriend away. 4 YEARS after they split. But he's had his mistress before he left and that's OK The wife took out an AVO on him, thank God ! Ah, but my little Fd thinks its all the wifes fault, guess who told her that ?

He hates me as I am the Mother, the Matriach and I hate him right back. He put a rant about me on the internet and apparently I can sue him, ha ha and should be able to make his work aware of his nutty violent behaviour. Send the rant to his Head Office, you can't win a war against someone with nothing to lose. I Have nothing to lose, he has a job, a house, still pays his first wives mortgage after 4 years, you get the drift.

I can report him and sit back and laugh but I won't. I didn't think State Managers were allowed to act like that. It was taken off. See the thing is that unless you are telling the truth you are going to get sued. He has assets and my stupid FD should realise she can leave him and sue him for half of what he's got left from the wife.

A mother knows, just knows when she is facing an Ass Wipe, I've met a few, all gone now, thank you God. He's her problem and what a problem. She is scared to leave him as he comes on worse if she tries to leave him. He sends 200 boring long text messages, fifty thousand phone calls. She loves the attention I guess. Messages about he is up in a tree and stuff.

His rant was badly spelled and he has no Grammar but that's Ok, My FD was never that intelligent anyway otherwise she would not have gone on Type A drugs. Someone said she had Hep C once, after going around with a few jailbirds, She bragged about Matty Johnson, who the hell would brag about that ? My FD. She said he was tall good looking, big dick. I laughed and said the police should put that out as his description, especially the big dick part.

Love Janette

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