Passionate and Long Lasting

Without Prejudice

I have to dig deeper with my writing now, I look back at old stories and see how much I was concerned about opinion. Steven King says, "Never Come Lightly To The Blank Page" and I never do, but God I need to have some fun as well. Putting your life out there on the line can be pretty scary stuff. I just want to have fun now and write.

New vistas help of course, and new experiences, sometimes we get stuck in a rut and can't look up and see the bigger picture, our heads buried in work. For me that's writing, my shoulders feel hunched and I need to stretch and expand grow bigger and write. Dig into the real stories, dig into my real feelings not just the observer me.

An observer sees things in black and white, I have to change that, I have to see the nuances, the greys, the spaces, the mediocre or the brilliant and bring it to life. The devils in the details

and that is what people love.

number one they love honesty,

number two if they are like me they love flawed characters.

The inane things sometimes that make up our personas.

Me for instance. Daft as a brush !

I collect Snoopies, I love him as a figure. An icon of big nosed sweetness, love. I collect lots of things and have more quirks than I can ever hope to conquer. Some are funny and some just plain weird. But isn't that what we are ? A mix of normal and "fuck up??????

I think you get to an age and you can just do what you like and I like writing and almost 15,000 people like the stories too, so can't be too bad, can it ? I'm always of the mind that these people feel sorry for me and just read them out of sympathy. I am always so grateful when some one says something good.

I am fascinated by the words, I always have been, trying to get that "Elusive truth" is harder than you can ever imagine. You don't want to sound trite, you don't want to sound lecturing, you don't want to be a guru, you are just as flawed as anyone else. I imagine people reading them that know me and them saying,
"Who the fuck does she think she is ??????"

I know that. But I have to write , its not something I control anymore. An Ipad was bought for me an Ipad for my writing, with my name etched on the back and the words fivelittlelady. I owe it to my girls to put their history and mine in print. If by the telling of our stories we can help anyone else that will be a great thing.

Love Janette

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