Real Life Ghost Story And MH370

Without Prejudice

The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH370  is all over the news, conspiracy theory's abound. We all love a drama and a mental challenge, thinking about that plane has held us spellbound for two weeks. Let us hope for the families, that answers come soon. In the beginning it seemed all so surreal, almost a Movie script. A scary movie script. 

The Conjuring, last year, was, is getting rave reviews as a scary movie, one of the scariest they say. But it's a movie, not real life. I remember my younger brother not being able to go down the hall for three weeks after he saw The Exorcist. I laughed. To me it wasn't scary. But I did demur at my second oldest daughter showing her 7 sons the Movie a few years ago.

She also laughed as she said she stepped them through it, explaining that the crew was there, making the movie, the cameras were there, the vomit was pea soup, the girl was an actress. They were fine, the boys and have not been scared of a horror story since. Must ask them to go see The Conjuring and see what they think.

They love the Movies and are very discerning about a lot of them. But, meanwhile back to me. 

I have never thought of myself as a fanciful person. I saw Lauren, my 12 year old daughter, who drowned,  that time in a vison but that was nice and comforting and what I needed for the time and that is all good. I have travelled outside my body once and I was so scared I went to scream but all that came out was a huge belch. Seems comical now. But I remember with detail the feeling of terror. Just sheer terror and I'm not easily frightened. I'm pretty brave most of the time, truth be known.

But I saw a ghost the other morning and I tell you what I was so shocked it woke me up. I screamed, I know that as there was an echo of a scream still in the room and there was no one else in the bed. I shivered after for a while and hightailed it out of the room, let me tell you. I was reluctant to go back in. I told my ever patient brother and he snorted with derision. He's not given to fanciful ideas, unless it's winning the state lottery, yeah! like that's going to happen !

I was in bed and on the brink of waking, the first sticky eyed seconds before you wake into full conciousness. I have slept like a baby up here, in Queensland, perhaps it's knowing my big brother is upstairs snoring that keeps me secure but I love the sleeps I have here. I have my own downsatirs level all to myself which is my cocoon of womb like comfort. Nothing much happens up here in Redcliffe anyway.

But I was waking from my cocoon of soft downy bed. The bed is enormous and has an underlay that seems to generate it's own spots of heat. It has a doona on it that gives me night sweats and I haven't had those for years. I woke one morning, peeled off my pyjama pants and they could have been wrung out, they were that saturated with flop sweat. This morning I woke and the imprint of my body was outlined on the sheets in sweat.

I love this bed but I have had to wash the sheets daily, just about. Anyway, back to the ghost. And before I go on I don't want you to say I was imagining it or I had eaten cheese the night before or any of the other rational things that could explain what I saw.

I saw a damn ghost and I know I saw it. Felt it.

I was just waking up and a teenage boy, and yes, he was ghostly white and had no face, just a shape, a chinless weak face, pointing forward and he walked through my bed and in terror I sat up and shrieked. Well I went ,

Aaarrrgggghhhhh! "

And my heart was doing a Boing a Boing a boing thing. I was terrified, teeth chattering terrified. It was the non face that scared me, that, and the melting through the bed, just wading right past my feet. And it made a whoosh, a soft whoosh and it was fast. Now I know where the movies get that sound from when a ghost walks through a door or a wall.

 I will be more than honest here, I thought I was "seeing" things, going "nuts", my Mother "saw" things and she was as nutty as a fruit cake. She was schizophrenic and a lot of other things as well, not one of them normal or sane. But she never thought she was nuts, funny that !

I questioned my sanity that morning let me tell you as I always think I am so rational, intelligent and normal. Others may think otherwise after this story but I know what I saw and I know it was "there". So of course I tell my idiotic brother and he says,

"Sure it wasn't an 11 year old boy ?,"

meaning our brother Jamie, who died. And I knew it wasn't James. James had a face, I saw it one last time when he was laid out in his coffin and it was peaceful and sleeping.

This was a 15 year old teen boy, white, skinny and he looked how can I say this without offending ?

Ok he looked autistic, like the boy in the movie Deliverance who plays the banjo. Inbred and toothless but no face, just a melding of skin into a shape.

So George, my rotten brother says,

"it might have been one of your grandsons calling you home", , laughed and left for work. I knew it wasn't, to put a fine point on it, my grandsons have faces.

I wasn't scared to go back in the room, I wasn't scared to stay in the house all by myself all day. I have never been scared since being here. But that ghost, and I know it was one, was enough to scare the living bejesus out of me.

Then my reprobate of a brother tells me he heard one, one night. He heard footsteps on the stairs and thinking something was wrong with his son Jamie, he lurched out of bed. No one there, he looked down the stairwell, no one there.

Of course he had to tell me this days later, so that I would be the one that thought I was nuts for a few days. Ha, Brothers, what can you do ???????

Love Janette

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