Three Little Words,and Anthony Robbins, Donald Trump

Without Prejudice

Two years ago I was going to an audition for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. I had refused them twice before and finally it was my last chance.
I was nervous as it was a place way out of my comfort zone, near the city and meant a long train ride and perhaps a connecting tram. I have a good brain but am like the Absent Minded Professor in many ways.

I will always get lost where ever I go.

Also a young female friend had died days before, shockingly young, leaving three gorgeous kids. I was still traumatised, so I rang my younger brother Dave, the Business man and entrepreneur. He was busy as ever but rang me back after I left a frantic message.

He was sitting in his Office he said, and looking around him at all the affirmations pinned to his walls. Dave loves a challenge and ran through a few of the affirmations on his wall from people such as Anthony Robbins, Donald Trump et al. I wrote a few down and then one just sounded out as clear as a bell.

Those three words ?


I took them on as a mantra.

I still managed to get lost, was late but passed the audition by the skin of my teeth, and never heard from them again. At the end of it all I was drained, hot and lost again. I managed to find a way home at last as shadows started to darken. The audition was not a success I knew it but the mantra stayed with me, twirling around in my head.

I wrote the mantra on a note and stuck it to my fridge. I did the same for my daughter who lives in the house in front. At that time we could not have been in a worse place in every way. Mandy dead at 39, who was Yvette, my daughter's, ex Sister In Law. Sister to the father of Yvette's first five boys. She had died struggling for air, dying on her own. One of her kids outside in the garden not realising his Mum lay inside dying.

Our beautiful faithful old German Sheperd had also passed away after 13 years of growing up with the boys. Just before her death I took her to her park, her favourite park from years before. Miles out of the way from her new home. She whined as soon as we neared it and she leapt out of the car as if she was still the pup she was when she visited there.

She climbed her tree, (I had to help her, pushing at her back legs ) and she surveyed her old domain. Our comical tree climbing dog suspended in a tree looking out on her old home. Like a vulture she hung there for ages and then I helped her down. She died within two weeks and we had thought we could nurse her till Christmas. We were devastated. All the boys, the big grown men, now, cried as they buried her.

Just before she died she sat in my step, lifting her face to the warm breezes and staying very still. I went to sit beside her and she didn't want to move. Just held her jaw up, letting the breezes off the bay run through her hair and closed her eyes as if in ecstasy. We sat there for minutes and I let her be. She was already in her Heaven and she sensed it was only a matter of time.

So did I.

At that time Yvette's and my lives were in disarray. We were a mess. Her new partner was a mess, the garden was a mess, her house full of seven chaotic boys was a mess and we were simply putting out fires as they occurred rather than having any sort of routine or plan.

But the mantra stayed on our individual fridges, sometimes covered in school notes or scribble, grease or food.


And slowly, gradually things started to improve as if by Osmosis. The words sinking in to our psyches and spurring us on.

It is now two years later...........

Our garden rocks. Yvette's house rocks. She and I did it in 28 days, day after day, de cluttering and cleaning until our fingers bled. I gained a bad back from hauling logs for the garden and we both gained sore wrists from cleaning.

Her partner is now completely recovered from his own personal melt down. And is back to the friendly kind young man he was when she first met him. Meanwhile he lost both his parents who were only in their fifties. I have never seen anyone handle grief better.

I was single at the time just drifting along in two friends with no benefits situations with two gorgeous men, one young and spunky, one rich and arrogant. But good in bed. Well, not the youngster, who was almost a virgin. But delightful fun company except for his religion, Seventh Day Adventist.
A spiritual man of 35.

Now I don't see either as I decided I was worth more than that and will wait.

I focused on my writing and now am paid for it after two long years of writing every day. I would write some erotica as it sells well but my grand kids read my blogs.

I refused to be published as I did not want to be. (I threw up when I received the offer ) I prefer to live a quiet peaceful life, simple, humble and caring for kids.

Almost the life of a country housewife.

And as for The Donald ?

He says " if someone fucks with you fuck with them right back, immediately. "

Lol xxx

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