Tiana Banana

Without Prejudice

She was the tiniest little scrap of a thing, my Beautiful Tiana, banana. She could walk by nine months, walking straight under tables, firm and strong.

By the time she was 18 months she finally had some hair before that she looked a little bit like a boy, but she had the most amazing hazel eyes.

One day at Christmas time I picked her up and swung her up into my arms and she blinked rapidly as she smiled up at me and I swear to God it was like into the Eye Of A Hurricane, or an Elephants eye.

Everything that was to know was there, history and beauty and joy and I was dazzled, literally dazzled for that moment. All sound faded away and there was miraculous silence and it was just me and Tiana and the world, gone before and yet to come..

Her long eye lashes which she still had fluttering sweeping those miraculous eyes and I felt a heart surge of pure joy..

Such a tough tomboy girly, girl she has turned into, now 11. She stands up for herself and is a fierce girl and a softy, but I don't think I have ever seen her cry in anything but frustration.

Grief is not part of her nature, she is a great natural born Mother, fiercely protective when her baby brother was born. We were babysitting him and he wouldn't settle as he was teething so in the end we decided to do some controlled crying and let Dylan cry probably for the first time in his life.

A boy coming along in the family of three girls, and Tiana was his little defender. She stood at his bedroom door, arms akimbo in defiance.

"I'm going to get him up, he's crying", she said.

I gently explained to her he just wouldn't settle and we were letting him cry a little.
""he's my brother, she said through gritted teeth, and he NEEDS me and beacuse she would not leave the door alone we ended up having to nurse him and take them both home early.

She makes me laugh, she's so tough, she told me girls are just as good as boys and I am figuring she will make that her life in ten years or so,

Love you Tiana,

Love Nana Janette

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