Insomnia or Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome
Without Prejudice
Insomnia is the pits. I have it, I hate it and I seriously want to harm people that have no problem with falling asleep. My Sister, Jackie can fall asleep at the top of an 18 foot pole, well maybe that is stretching it a bit far but she falls asleep at the drop of a hat and sleeps well. I am still wide eyed and bushy tailed at 2.30 am, sleep badly and am awake often after only a few hours of sleep.
I groan, get up, have 2 cups of coffee, the second one being the best coffee of the day and just get on with it. Waking at 5am or 6 am makes me want to end my life, seriously, momentarily, but everyone apparently wakes at 6 am and wants to murder themselves. I recognise this feeling and ignore it.
I literally love an afternoon nap, even if like lately, it's just for 5 minutes. One of the great artists, I think it was Monet or Picasso used to hold a spoon in his hand, and on napping after lunch would wake with the clatter of the metal spoon hitting the tiles. And was wide awake and ready to work again.
I find the same but have been known to dread the "wee hours " when the thought of running another eight hour day to my life depresses me. I have friend who feel sleepy at nine and are in bed by 9.30. I have tried going to bed earlier if really physically tired. Say 10.30 pm and will be awake by 2 am. And feel fine. I can skip sleep altogether some nights, about four per year and feel no ill effects the next day. I might hit the wall about 2 pm the next day, but only if I have drank alcohol.
Supermarkets make me yawn uncontrollably, as do movie theatres in the day time and lectures while I was at Uni. Work places do the same, I literally could fall asleep at my desk after lunch and get the " stare bears" for hours at work after lunch. Now I work for myself, my time is more flexible, so I can work when I feel lively and nap if I don't.
Apparently delayed sleep phase syndrome can be related to ADHD, and I have a grandson diagnosed with it. So perhaps I am a carrier of the gene. He's a little swot, a maths genius, an I Know and I was the same as a child. A little wiseacre that knew everything about everything and still do. I've learned the hard way it is not going to make you the most popular person, so have learned to shut my mouth. Jai is learning the same but he's only 15.
Reading up on delayed sleep phase disorder I read that if you don't grow out of it in adolescence, you have it for life, groan. There are treatments such as Melantonin by script, sleep studies, controlled sleeping, light therapy, the list goes on but not one of the treatments is permanently effective. After the treatment people will go back to the delayed sleep phase syndrome within a few days.
It's just something you have to just get used to. Exercise helps a little, Melantonin can help a little, controlled sleeping can help a little but the syndrome is usually permanent and you are better off coming to terms with it. That if you simply accept it as part of your persona, you are happier, rather than fighting it.
I hate not being able to drop off to sleep and finding myself wrestling with sheets and pillows at 2 am and having to get up. I can get back to sleep sometimes with reading a book. But that is rare. I love it if I can ever sleep in, but mostly can't, and if I do manage it have very prophetic dreams, dreams that have come true later on in time. Usually fairly quickly, maybe a few days, perhaps a week.
While I was in Qld last year for the winter, I saw a ghost and the image I saw was one like this at the
back of this ladies dress.
I was not brave, I screamed like a lunatic, the ghost gone, leaving me with a thumping heart. George my brother ran down the stairs knocking on my door, a bit freaked out with my scream. I will never forget it and my first thought after I saw my ghost ? There is something else to life ! I knew as if it was a fact I had always known. There comes something after this life, this is not all there Is. But I keep it to myself.
My Mum became an atheist after my older brother died aged 11, turned on the church that had sustained her for years. And we kids were taught the same. Now I look at life in a very different way. I love good, not evil. I walk the walk and talk the talk that there is another life after death. And at pains of being called a nut job, I believe what I believe, quietly.
Love Nette x
Insomnia is the pits. I have it, I hate it and I seriously want to harm people that have no problem with falling asleep. My Sister, Jackie can fall asleep at the top of an 18 foot pole, well maybe that is stretching it a bit far but she falls asleep at the drop of a hat and sleeps well. I am still wide eyed and bushy tailed at 2.30 am, sleep badly and am awake often after only a few hours of sleep.
I groan, get up, have 2 cups of coffee, the second one being the best coffee of the day and just get on with it. Waking at 5am or 6 am makes me want to end my life, seriously, momentarily, but everyone apparently wakes at 6 am and wants to murder themselves. I recognise this feeling and ignore it.
I literally love an afternoon nap, even if like lately, it's just for 5 minutes. One of the great artists, I think it was Monet or Picasso used to hold a spoon in his hand, and on napping after lunch would wake with the clatter of the metal spoon hitting the tiles. And was wide awake and ready to work again.
I find the same but have been known to dread the "wee hours " when the thought of running another eight hour day to my life depresses me. I have friend who feel sleepy at nine and are in bed by 9.30. I have tried going to bed earlier if really physically tired. Say 10.30 pm and will be awake by 2 am. And feel fine. I can skip sleep altogether some nights, about four per year and feel no ill effects the next day. I might hit the wall about 2 pm the next day, but only if I have drank alcohol.
Supermarkets make me yawn uncontrollably, as do movie theatres in the day time and lectures while I was at Uni. Work places do the same, I literally could fall asleep at my desk after lunch and get the " stare bears" for hours at work after lunch. Now I work for myself, my time is more flexible, so I can work when I feel lively and nap if I don't.
Apparently delayed sleep phase syndrome can be related to ADHD, and I have a grandson diagnosed with it. So perhaps I am a carrier of the gene. He's a little swot, a maths genius, an I Know and I was the same as a child. A little wiseacre that knew everything about everything and still do. I've learned the hard way it is not going to make you the most popular person, so have learned to shut my mouth. Jai is learning the same but he's only 15.
Reading up on delayed sleep phase disorder I read that if you don't grow out of it in adolescence, you have it for life, groan. There are treatments such as Melantonin by script, sleep studies, controlled sleeping, light therapy, the list goes on but not one of the treatments is permanently effective. After the treatment people will go back to the delayed sleep phase syndrome within a few days.
It's just something you have to just get used to. Exercise helps a little, Melantonin can help a little, controlled sleeping can help a little but the syndrome is usually permanent and you are better off coming to terms with it. That if you simply accept it as part of your persona, you are happier, rather than fighting it.
I hate not being able to drop off to sleep and finding myself wrestling with sheets and pillows at 2 am and having to get up. I can get back to sleep sometimes with reading a book. But that is rare. I love it if I can ever sleep in, but mostly can't, and if I do manage it have very prophetic dreams, dreams that have come true later on in time. Usually fairly quickly, maybe a few days, perhaps a week.
While I was in Qld last year for the winter, I saw a ghost and the image I saw was one like this at the
back of this ladies dress.
I had woken early, and saw a covered face child whoosh through the end of my bed. It was more the image of a youngish teenage boy. His face just an outline, side on, and he made the sound that a Ghost on a movie does when they pass through a wall, like Patrick Swayze's character in Ghost. A definite Woosh.
I was not brave, I screamed like a lunatic, the ghost gone, leaving me with a thumping heart. George my brother ran down the stairs knocking on my door, a bit freaked out with my scream. I will never forget it and my first thought after I saw my ghost ? There is something else to life ! I knew as if it was a fact I had always known. There comes something after this life, this is not all there Is. But I keep it to myself.
My Mum became an atheist after my older brother died aged 11, turned on the church that had sustained her for years. And we kids were taught the same. Now I look at life in a very different way. I love good, not evil. I walk the walk and talk the talk that there is another life after death. And at pains of being called a nut job, I believe what I believe, quietly.
Love Nette x