Intuition and Spirituality

Without Prejudice

Most Women have high intuition and learn to listen to it. Many people have high spirituality and tune into it in times of trouble and are mentally healthier for doing so.

In regard to intuition what Mother hasn't woken before her baby cries ? And is always surprised to do so. Every Mother knows her own baby best. Knows the patterns of sleeps, the cries of genuine pain, hunger, and when the baby just needs a hug. .......

Every Mother, usually.

But with your first....oh my word.

With your first, the mistakes you make are many, as my Mother In Law always said,

The first is to practice on

The second to enjoy

By the third you are a perfect Mother and you could have a dozen

By the time you have your seventh the baby virtually brings up itself and is better off for doing so.

I don't mean baby is neglected, it's just you don't have the time to fuss and baby is better off.

Our seventh here in the home of the seven little dwarves as I refer to them, (  my daughter Yvette has seven sons, aged 23 to 3 and I live in a unit behind her, lucky me ! ) is Cruz.

The 3 year old, Cruz, is a chubby chattering little " Happy Buddha " who has never had a bad day in his life. He wakes every morning in a happy frame of mind, adores the world, and everyone in it, has never thrown a tantrum, had a bad mood or even thought about it. He is revered by his brothers, loved by everyone and vice versa. There's a lesson in that for all of us.

And as a baby was fed, put down, fed put down, not fussed over like you do with your first. I always felt like the character  Shirley McLaine played in Terms Of Endearment. I virtually wanted to climb inside the cot to check my first was breathing. I would hold a mirror to her lips after a while, as a baby can look so pale, sleep so soundly it frightens you.

But after a while you just know that if you wake them they will fuss and fret for hours, so you learn to leave them alone.

Women are given this gift of intuition and if they are smart will listen to it and not ignore it. My Mother always called it her little tinkly bell. She knew before she missed a period that she was pregnant. She knew when to avoid certain people, who to trust and who not to. And put that fear of God in all her children.

Considering we are all rich in our own ways, fulfilled, healthy and now long living, she must have been right in many ways. We also had a very happy go lucky Dad who was as happy as another " Happy Buddha " and was funny and encouraging. Mum the darker one and Dad the light. The Yin and Yang of life.

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