Men's Health
Without Prejudice
Eat well, exercise, use your memory, get regular checks. All these thing will keep you well and lead to a healthy older life, a longer life, a well life.
Men try to maintain strength throughout their lives and do not go to the doctors early enough. Go to the doctors before you need to.
Believe it or not, Suduko, crosswords, puzzles, trivia games, candy crush are good for ageing memories. Most people fear losing their memories, and all the games will help as so some supplements. B12, folate, ginkgo, lots of the old fashioned supplements help memory function. Don't take them too late when memory already starts to fade.
Be addiction free
Exercise 3 to 3.5 hours a week.
Eat healthy
Have regular checks
Find contentment and be happy
Many men slow down over sixty, retire from work and atrophy.
Learn a language
Join a course, go back to school
Volunteer and stick to it, helping others is a fabulous thing to do. The Fred Hollows foundation can save eyesight for people in Nepal, for fifteen dollars. Fancy that, giving eye sight to someone for a small amount of money. How great that is.
Stay active, that is most important.
Do not scoff at the wife doing puzzles, join her.
Eat well, exercise, use your memory, get regular checks. All these thing will keep you well and lead to a healthy older life, a longer life, a well life.
Men try to maintain strength throughout their lives and do not go to the doctors early enough. Go to the doctors before you need to.
Believe it or not, Suduko, crosswords, puzzles, trivia games, candy crush are good for ageing memories. Most people fear losing their memories, and all the games will help as so some supplements. B12, folate, ginkgo, lots of the old fashioned supplements help memory function. Don't take them too late when memory already starts to fade.
Be addiction free
Exercise 3 to 3.5 hours a week.
Eat healthy
Have regular checks
Find contentment and be happy
Many men slow down over sixty, retire from work and atrophy.
Learn a language
Join a course, go back to school
Volunteer and stick to it, helping others is a fabulous thing to do. The Fred Hollows foundation can save eyesight for people in Nepal, for fifteen dollars. Fancy that, giving eye sight to someone for a small amount of money. How great that is.
Stay active, that is most important.
Do not scoff at the wife doing puzzles, join her.